Assessing the landscape of clinical trials involving bioprinting: a scoping review protocol
Generation of cell lines for the exon-specific isoform expression reporter system (EXSISERS)
A systematic review on the global burden of human monkeypox: epidemiology and implications for outbreaks
Effects on Lower Extremity Perfusion When the Lower Extremity Extracorporeal Distal Revascularization (LEEDR) System is Used for Arterial Shunting
A Systematic Review & Metaethnography of the lived experiences of long COVID patients
Analyzing the Breakthrough of COVID-19 infection Incidence Rate, Severity and Mortality among the COVID-19 Vaccinated Population of West Bengal, India
Integrated PCR testing and extended window contact tracing system for COVID-19 to improve comprehensiveness and speed
Measurement of subjective and objective indices after progressive resistance training compared with aerobic training in Patients with Haemophilia: a study protocol
Health outcomes of children born/suspected with ZIKV: Protocol for the ZIKAction Paediatric Registry in Latin America and the Caribbean
COVseq is a cost-effective workflow for mass-scale SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance