First strand synthesis
1. Mix the following components:
RNA 5 μL
50 μM random hexamers 1 μL
10 mM dNTPs 1 μL
Nuclease-Free Water 6 μL
2. Incubate for 5 min @ 65 °C
3. Place the tube immediately on ice for 5 min
4. Add the following components:
5x SSIV buffer 4 μL
0.1 M DTT 1 μL
RNaseOUT 1 μL
SSIV Reverse Transcriptase enzyme 1 μL
5. Perform the following steps in a PCR thermocycler with the lid set @ 85 °C:
1. 23 °C 10 min
2. 50 °C 10 min
3. 85 °C 10 min
4. 4 °C Hold
6. Add 1 μL RNase H to the tube and incubate for 20 min at 37 °C
7. Note: RNase H is an optional step
Option 1: Multiplex PCR using the CDC primer pools
Note: Prepare primers as 50 μM primer stocks. Add an equal amount of each 50 μM primer stock to six different Eppendorf tubes labeled as pool 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Prepare 10 μM working concentration by diluting each pool 1:5 with Nuclease-Free Water.
8. Mix the following components:
NEBNext Q5 Hot Start HiFi PCR Master Mix 15 μL
Nuclease-Free Water 9.2 μL
Primer pool 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 (10 μM) 1.8 μL
4x SYBR Green 1 μL
9. Add 3 μL of cDNA to each tube/well
10. Perform the following steps in PCR thermocycler with the lid set to 105 °C:
1. 98 °C 30 sec
2. 98 °C 15 sec
3. 65 °C 5 min
GOTO step 2, 40 times
4. 4 °C Hold
DNA purification
11. Pool 20 μL from each of the six amplicon pools into a 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube or 96 well plate
12. Add 1 vol/vol ratio of AMPure XP beads pre-warmed at room temperature
13. Mix thoroughly and incubate for 10 min at room temperature
14. Place the sample on a magnetic stand
15. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
16. Remove and discard the supernatant
17. Wash the beads twice with 200 μL of freshly prepared 80% ethanol
18. Air-dry the beads at room temperature
Note: do not dry the beads for more than 5–8 min, since this may result in low DNA yield
19. Remove the sample from the magnetic stand
20. Resuspend the beads in 80 μL of Nuclease-Free Water
21. Incubate for 2 min at room temperature
22. Place the sample back on the magnetic stand
23. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
24. Transfer the supernatant to a new 1.5 μL Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube
25. Check the library concentration using Qubit dsDNA BR kit
Note: Samples can be stored for a long time at –20 °C
Option 2: Multiplex PCR using the ARTIC V3 primer pools
Note: If using IDT ARTIC nCoV-2019 V3 panel pools, prepare 10 μM working concentration by diluting each pool 1:10 with Nuclease-Free Water. The average concentration of each primer in the final reaction is 15 nM.
8. Mix the following components:
NEBNext Q5 Hot Start HiFi PCR Master Mix 12.5 μL
Nuclease-Free Water 2.9 μL
Primer pool 1 or 2 (10 μM) 3.6 μL
9. Add 6 μL of cDNA to each tube/well
10. Perform the following steps in PCR thermocycler with the lid set to 105 °C:
1. 98 °C 30 sec
2. 98 °C 15 sec
3. 63 °C 5 min
GOTO step 2, 35 times
4. 4 °C Hold
DNA purification
11. Pool 20 μL from each of the two amplicon pools into a 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube or 96 well plate
12. Add 0.8 vol/vol ratio of AMPure XP beads pre-warmed at room temperature
13. Mix thoroughly and incubate for 10 min at room temperature
14. Place the sample on a magnetic stand
15. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
16. Remove and discard the supernatant
17. Wash the beads twice with 200 μL of freshly prepared 80% ethanol
18. Air-dry the beads at room temperature
Note: do not dry the beads for more than 5–8 min, since this may result in low DNA yield
19. Remove the sample from the magnetic stand
20. Resuspend the beads in 40 μL of Nuclease-Free Water
21. Incubate for 2 min at room temperature
22. Place the sample back on the magnetic stand
23. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
24. Transfer the supernatant to a new 1.5 μL Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube
25. Check the library concentration using Qubit dsDNA BR kit
Note: Samples can be stored for a long time at –20 °C
Note: To process multiple samples in parallel, we performed all reactions until IVT in 384-well plates. We used the I-DOT One nanodispensing device (Dispendix GmBH) to reduce the volumes of each reagent. Other dispensing systems may also be used; however, volumes might have to be adjusted depending on the technical specifications of each instrument.
DNA digestion
26. Dispense manually 5 μL of mineral oil per well in the targeted region of 384-well plates
27. Dispense 10 nL to 50 nL of purified PCR amplicons
Note: The amount of purified PCR amplicons can be increased or reduced depending on the Ct value of the samples
28. Dispense Nuclease-Free Water to a total volume of 350 nL
Note: From now, after dispensing for each step, we shake the plate in a ThermoMixer at 1,000 rpm for 1 min and centrifuge at 3,220 g for 5 min before each incubation
29. Mix the following components:
NlaIII enzyme 50 nL
MseI enzyme 50 nL
10x CutSmart Buffer 50 nL
30. Dispense 150 nL per well
31. Perform the following incubation steps:
1. 37 °C 1 h
2. 65 °C 20 min
3. 4 °C Hold
Ligation of COVseq adapters
32. Dispense 150 nL of 33 nM COVseq adaptor of NlaIII per well
33. Dispense 150 nL of 33 nM COVseq adaptor of MseI per well
34. Dispense 700 nL of ligation mix per well (standard ligase):
Nuclease-free water 250 nL
5x T4 ligase buffer 150 nL
ATP 10 mM 120 nL
BSA 50 mg/ml 30 nL
T4 standard ligase 150 nL
Alternatively, when using rapid ligase:
Nuclease-free water 50 nL
5x T4 ligase buffer 300 nL
ATP 10 mM 120 nL
BSA 50 mg/ml 30 nL
T4 rapid ligase 200 nL
35. Perform incubation at 22° C for 1h followed by inactivation at 70° C for 5 min
Note: When using rapid ligase decrease the incubation time to 30 min
36. Dispense manually 5 μl of Nuclease-Free Water/33 nM EDTA (for a final concentration of 25 nM) per well
37. Pool the content of multiple wells manually in a 1.5 mL or 5 mL eppendorf tube
38. Spin down the tube and carefully remove the upper phase containing mineral oil
Note: The pooling step can be performed by centrifuging the plate upside down at 117 g for 1 min into a collection plate placed at the bottom of the centrifuge.
DNA cleanup
39. Add 1.2 vol/vol ratio of AMPure XP beads pre-warmed at room temperature
40. Mix thoroughly and incubate for 10 min at room temperature
41. Place the sample on a magnetic stand
42. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
43. Remove and discard the supernatant
44. Wash the beads twice with freshly prepared 80% ethanol (the ethanol should be enough to cover the beads)
45. Air-dry the beads at room temperature
Note: do not dry the beads for more than 5–8 min, since this may result in low DNA yield
46. Remove the sample from the magnetic stand
47. Resuspend the beads in 10 μl of nuclease-free water
48. Incubate for 2 min at room temperature
49. Place the sample back on the magnetic stand
50. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
51. Transfer the supernatant to a new 1.5 μl DNA LoBind tube
52. Check the library concentration using Qubit dsDNA HS kit
Note: Samples can be stored for long time @ -20 °C
In vitro transcription
53. Start with 8 μl from the previous step
54. Add the following reagents on ice:
rATP+rUTP+rGTP+rCTP* 8 μl
10x T7 polymerase buffer 2 μl
T7 polymerase 1.5 μl
RNaseOUTTM Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor 0.5 μl
*Prepared from separate rNTP solutions provided with the MEGAscript® T7 Transcription Kit
55. Incubate for 14 hours at 37 °C in a PCR thermocycler with the lid set @ 70 °C
Note: IVT can also be performed at 37°C for 2 hours to save time.
RNA cleanup
56. Add 1 μl of DNase I (RNase-free) to the IVT product
57. Incubate for 15 min @ 37 °C
58. Bring up the volume to 50 μl by adding 29 μl Nuclease-Free Water, then mix with 90 μl (1.8 vol/vol) of RNAClean XP beads pre-warmed at room temperature
59. Mix thoroughly and incubate for 10 min at room temperature
60. Place the sample on a magnetic stand
61. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
62. Remove and discard the supernatant
63. Wash the beads twice with 200 μl of freshly prepared 70% ethanol
64. Air-dry the beads at room temperature
Note: do not dry the beads for more than 5–8 min, since this may result in low DNA yield
65. Remove the sample from the magnetic stand
66. Resuspend the beads in 9.5 μl of nuclease-free water
67. Incubate for 2 min at room temperature
68. Place the sample back on the magnetic stand
69. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
70. Transfer 8.8 μl of supernatant to a new 0.5 μl DNA LoBind tube
71. Check the library concentration with 1 μl using Qubit dsDNA BR kit
RA3 adapter ligation
72. Add 1 μl of 10 μM RA3 adapter to 7.8 μl obtained after RNA cleanup
73. Incubate for 2 min @ 70 °C in a PCR thermocycler, then immediately place the sample on ice
74. Add 3.2 μl of the following mix:
RNA ligase buffer 1.2 μl
RNaseOUTTM Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor 1 μl
T4 RNA ligase truncated 1 μl
75. Incubate for 2 hours @ 25 °C in a PCR thermocycler with the lid set @ 30 °C
Reverse transcription
76. Add 2 μl per sample of 10 μM RTP primer
77. In a PCR thermocycler, incubate for 2 min @ 70 °C
78. Quickly transfer the sample to ice
79. Add 11 μl of the following mix:
5x SSIV buffer 5 μl
25mM dNTPs 1 μl
0.1M DTT 2 μl
RNaseOUTTM Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor 1 μl
SuperScript IV reverse transcriptase 2 μl
80. Incubate for 20 min @ 50°C followed by inactivation for 10 min @ 80 °C in a PCR thermocycler with the lid set @ 80 °C
Library indexing and amplification
81. Add 16 μl per sample of the desired indexed Illumina primer
82. Add 359 μl of the following mix:
Nuclease-free water 143 μl
NEBNext® UltraTM II PCR Master Mix 200 μl
10 μM RP1 primer 16 μl
83. Divide the final mix in 8 PCR tubes with each containing 50 μl
84. In a PCR thermocycler perform the following cycles:
1. 98 °C 30 sec
2. 98 °C 10 sec
3. 60 °C 30 sec
4. 65 °C 45 sec
GOTO step 2, 10 times
5. 65 °C 5 min
6. 4 °C Hold
Note: 10 PCR cycles are used for an input to the IVT of ≈ 200 ng. Please, adjust PCR cycles accordingly to the input to the IVT step.
Final library cleanup
85. Pool the 8 tubes for each sample and add 0.8 vol/vol ratio of AMPure XP beads pre-warmed at room temperature
86. Mix thoroughly and incubate for 10 min at room temperature
87. Place the sample on a magnetic stand
88. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
89. Remove and discard the supernatant
90. Wash the beads twice with 1 ml of freshly prepared 80% ethanol
91. Air-dry the beads at room temperature
Note: do not dry the beads for more than 5–8 min, since this may result in low DNA yield
92. Remove the sample from the magnetic stand
93. Resuspend the beads in 50 μl of nuclease-free water
94. Incubate for 2 min at room temperature
95. Place the sample back on the magnetic stand
96. Incubate for at least 5 min until the liquid appears clear
97. Transfer the supernatant to a new 1.5 μl DNA LoBind tube
98. Check the library concentration using Qubit dsDNA HS kit
99. Check the fragment distribution on a Bioanalyzer 2100 using DNA HS chip
Note: Libraries can be stored for long time @ -20 °C