1. Pre-processing
Conversion: Raw sequencing data (Illumina sequencer’s base call files (BCLs) was converted to fastq files using the Illumina bcl2fastq program
Trimming: The reads from Fastq files were trimmed to remove poly A tail and G overhang, primer dimers and the 5 base umi was extracted. is downloaded from
Aligning: The trimmed reads were aligned, using STAR-2.7.2a (Dobin et al. 2013) to the Sus scrofa reference genome sequence version Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.fasta, available in the Ensembl database. Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.95.gtf was used as a reference transcriptome. The STAR parameters we used specific to our dataset were --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 (for mismatch) , --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 (to take care of the multi-mapping) and clip3pAdapterSeq AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (clipping the adapter reads at 3` end). Below are the steps.
● Download the latest version of STAR aligner software
● Download the reference fasta file from Ensembl database
● Download the reference annotation file from Ensembl database
● Create the genome index file using the command
STAR --runThreadN 4 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir path -- genomeFastaFiles Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.fasta --sjdbGTFfile Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.95.gtf --sjdbOverhang 100
Merging sam files: Aligned files from reads from 4 lanes are merged using MergeSamfiles from picard (
Below is the shell script for executing these steps starting from trimming
#Note: Variable “name” indicates the folder names (PR1643-xxx) corresponding to each of the samples. Each sample has 4 lanes (L001,L002,L003,L004) giving rise to 4 fastq files. This script is executed from the main folder that has all the library sub-folders. Within the main folder is a folder for each sample with the folder names (PR1643-xxx). Within each of these sample folders are four folders, one for each lane, labeled L001-4. Prior to running the following shell script, it is expected that one unzipped fastq file corresponding to the appropriate file and lane resides in each folder. The following script will write the output of and STAR into the respective lane folders. The output of the MergeSamFiles will write the combined sam file to top level of the sample folder.
for name in PR1643*; do
echo $name
#1. run python code to trim polyA tail and g-overhang
python ./$name/L001/*.fastq ./$name/L001/$name\_L001.fastq
python ./$name/L002/*.fastq ./$name/L002/$name\_L002.fastq
python ./$name/L003/*.fastq ./$name/L003/$name\_L003.fastq
python ./$name/L004/*.fastq ./$name/L004/$name\_L004.fastq
#2. Run STAR to align the reads to reference genome
STAR --runThreadN 60 --quantMode GeneCounts --genomeDir Pig_genome/star_index --readFilesIn ./$name/L001/${name}_L001.fastq --outFileNamePrefix ./$name/L001/${name}_L001_star --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.1 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.1 --outFilterMatchNmin 0 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 -clip3pAdapterMMP 0.2 -clip3pAdapterSeq AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --twopassMode Basic
STAR --runThreadN 60 --quantMode GeneCounts --genomeDir Pig_genome/star_index --readFilesIn ./$name/L002/${name}_L002.fastq --outFileNamePrefix ./$name/L002/${name}_L002_star --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.1 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.1 --outFilterMatchNmin 0 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 -clip3pAdapterMMP 0.2 -clip3pAdapterSeq AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --twopassMode Basic
STAR --runThreadN 60 --quantMode GeneCounts --genomeDir Pig_genome/star_index --readFilesIn ./$name/L003/${name}_L003.fastq --outFileNamePrefix ./$name/L003/${name}_L003_star --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.1 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.1 --outFilterMatchNmin 0 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 -clip3pAdapterMMP 0.2 -clip3pAdapterSeq AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --twopassMode Basic
STAR --runThreadN 60 --quantMode GeneCounts --genomeDir Pig_genome/star_index --readFilesIn ./$name/L004/${name}_L004.fastq --outFileNamePrefix ./$name/L004/${name}_L004_star --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.1 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.1 --outFilterMatchNmin 0 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 -clip3pAdapterMMP 0.2 -clip3pAdapterSeq AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --twopassMode Basic
#3. Merge sam files from 4 lanes into one file
java -jar ~/Downloads/picard-2.18.14.jar MergeSamFiles
Feature Count
Feature count algorithm, Subread R (featureCounts) package (Liao et al 2013) was used to count genomic features genes and exons per transcript. A digital gene expression matrix was created from this data.
· Download the R package SUBREAD, for Read summarization
· Use the same reference annotation file used for read aligning
Below is the R script for counting the reads to their genomic features - genes. The folder contains the merged sam files.
#1. Load the necessary package
#Import the sam files to a folder and Set the RStudio working directory to the location of the folder
extension <- "sam"
fileNames <- Sys.glob(paste("*.", extension, sep=""))
savefolder <- "PR1643/FeatureCount"
#2. Retrieve the genomic features - gene and exon
for (fileName in fileNames)
##for genes
gene.result <- featureCounts(file=sprintf(fileName),annot.ext=
"Pig_genome/Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.95_clean.gtf",isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, GTF.featureType = "gene",readExtension3=200, ignoreDup = TRUE, isPairedEnd = FALSE,allowMultiOverlap = TRUE, nthreads = 20 )
##for exons
exon.result <- featureCounts(file=sprintf(fileName),annot.ext= “Pig_genome/Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.95_clean.gtf",isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, GTF.featureType = "exon",readExtension3=200, ignoreDup = TRUE, isPairedEnd = FALSE,allowMultiOverlap = TRUE, nthreads = 20 )
#3. Export the gene and exon count matrices
write.table(x=data.frame(gene.result$annotation,gene.result$counts), file = sprintf("%s/%s-gene-counts.txt",savefolder,fileName), quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
write.table(x=data.frame(exon.result$annotation,exon.result$counts), file = sprintf("%s/%s-exon-counts.txt",savefolder,fileName), quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
2. Downstream Analysis
The gene matrix is used for downstream analysis.
1. Annotation: We annotated the genes with gene symbols. The missing gene symbols were substituted by ensemble/wiki gene names.
2. Batch Correction: Multiple batch correction algorithm ComBat-seq (Zhang et al 2020) was used to account for technical variability arising from batch effect.
3. Filtering: Quality of the final matrix is ensured by filtering samples based on the number of dropouts and abundance threshold. Out of 142 samples, 52 Samples with non-zero gene counts <6000 were considered as outliers. Additionally, 10800 genes that are present in very low quantities (<30 non-zero gene counts) were filtered out.
4. Rlog transformation: A regularized log transformation was carried out using DESeq2 (Love et al. 2014).
5. Normalization: We normalized the data using a quantile regression method SCnorm (Bacher et al. 2017).
#1. Load necessary packages:
#2. Download functions from
source ("help_combat_seq.R")
source ("ComBat_seq.R")
#Import the gene counts file and Set the RStudio working directory to the location of the #gene
count matrix.
#3. Conversion of gene IDs and annotation
raw <- read.table("PR1643-genes-counts.txt",sep="\t", header = T, row.names = 1)
sums <- rowSums(raw)
raw <- raw[-which(sums==0),]
#Using ensembl database, retrieve gene names, description, wiki gene names and
genes <- rownames(raw)
ensembl <- useMart("ensembl")
ensembl <- useMart("ensembl",dataset="sscrofa_gene_ensembl", host="")
G_list <- getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id", attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id","external_gene_name","description","wikigene_description","wikigene_name"),values=genes,mart= ensembl)
#Remove duplicate gene rows and substitute the absent gene names (NAs) with #corresponding ensemble IDs/wiki names
raw2 <- raw; raw2$ensembl_gene_id <- rownames(raw2)
new.list <- G_list[-which(duplicated(G_list$ensembl_gene_id)),]
full.list <- right_join(new.list,raw2)
gene.names <- make.names(full.list$ensembl_gene_id, unique = T)
##gene names where the external gene name and wikigene name are the same
gene.names[which(full.list$external_gene_name != "" & full.list$wikigene_name != "" & full.list$external_gene_name == full.list$wikigene_name)] <- full.list$external_gene_name[which(full.list$external_gene_name != "" & full.list$wikigene_name != "" & full.list$external_gene_name == full.list$wikigene_name)]
##gene names where no external gene name was available but wikigene name is, set #to wikigene name
gene.names[which(full.list$external_gene_name == "" & full.list$wikigene_name != "")] <- full.list$wikigene_name[which(full.list$external_gene_name == "" & full.list$wikigene_name != "")]
##gene names where external gene name was available but wikigene name is not, set #to external gene name
gene.names[which(full.list$external_gene_name != "" & full.list$wikigene_name == "")] <- full.list$external_gene_name[which(full.list$external_gene_name != "" & full.list$wikigene_name == "")]
##when external gene name and wikigene name are both available, but not the same, #combine both, separated by a “_” for easier downstream reference
gene.names[which(full.list$external_gene_name != "" & full.list$wikigene_name != "" & full.list$external_gene_name != full.list$wikigene_name)] <- paste0(full.list$external_gene_name[
which(full.list$external_gene_name != "" & full.list$wikigene_name != "" & full.list$external_gene_name != full.list$wikigene_name)], "_" ,
full.list$wikigene_name[which(full.list$external_gene_name != "" & full.list$wikigene_name != "" & full.list$external_gene_name != full.list$wikigene_name)])
full.list$gene_name <- make.names(gene.names, unique=T)
##change order
full.list <- full.list[,c(1,ncol(full.list), 2:(ncol(full.list)-1))]
##set blanks to NA
full.list2 <- full.list; full.list2[which(full.list=="", arr.ind = T)] <- NA
##substitute commas for a period in the description to enable properly writing output as csv file
full.list2$description <- gsub(",","\\.", full.list2$description); full.list2$wikigene_description <- gsub(",","\\.", full.list2$wikigene_description)
#Save the corresponding gene annotation csv file
write.csv(full.list2[,1:6], "PR1643_RNAseq_IDs_Genes_Description.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)
full_dataset <- as.matrix(full.list2[,7:ncol(full.list2)]); rownames(full_dataset) <- full.list2$ensembl_gene_id
rownames(full_dataset) <- full.list2$gene_name
#Save the gene count matrix with the gene IDs as row names
write.table(full_dataset,"PR1643_raw_RNAseqData_gene_names.txt",sep="\t",quote=F, col.names = NA)
#4. Batch correction for the two sets of runs
#Remove genes with total expression count = NULL
full <- full_dataset[which(rowSums(full_dataset)>0),]
#Separate the batches of 47 and 95 samples
batch47 <- full[,1:47]
batch95 <- full[,48:142] <- data.frame(batch=c(rep("Batch47",47), rep("Batch95",95)));
rownames( <- colnames(full)
annot_samp <-
annot_cols <- NA
counts <- as.matrix(full)
batch <- as.factor(c(rep("b47", 47), rep("b95", 95)))
#Make sure that the parameters for the function ComBat_seq are individually specified
group <- NULL
full_mod <- FALSE
covar_mod <- NULL
shrink <- FALSE
shrink.disp <- NULL
gene.subset.n <- NULL
adjusted<- ComBat_seq(counts, batch=batch)
#Save the batch adjusted data into a new file
write.table(adjusted,"FullSet_142_adjusted.txt", sep="\t", quote=F)
# 5. Filtering Data
PR1643.142.adjusted <- adjusted
#Assess genes – samples with non-zero counts
samples.with.counts <- apply(PR1643.142.adjusted, 1, function(x)(sum(x!=0)))
tot.counts <- apply(PR1643.142.adjusted,1, function(x)(sum(x)))
average <- apply(PR1643.142.adjusted,1, function(x)(mean(x)))
stats <- data.frame(samples.with.counts,tot.counts,average)
ggplot(stats, aes(samples.with.counts)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()
ggplot(stats, aes(1:142,samples.with.counts)) + geom_bar() + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()
#Assess samples
samples.with.counts <- apply(PR1643.142.adjusted, 2, function(x)(sum(x!=0)))
tot.counts <- apply(PR1643.142.adjusted,2, function(x)(sum(x)))
average <- apply(PR1643.142.adjusted,2, function(x)(mean(x)))
stats <- data.frame(samples.with.counts,tot.counts,average)
ggplot(stats, aes(samples.with.counts)) + geom_histogram() #+ scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()
ggplot(stats, aes(tot.counts)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()
ggplot(stats, aes(average)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()
#First level filtering
PR1643.142.adjusted.filt <- PR1643.142.adjusted[,-which(samples.with.counts < 3000 & tot.counts < 100000)]
#Save the file –after first filtering -132 samples
write.table(PR1643.142.adjusted.filt, "PR1643-132-adjusted.txt", sep="\t", quote=F)
raw <- PR1643.142.adjusted.filt
#Remove genes with max rld value of 0 or less
raw2 <- t(apply(raw+1,1,function(x)(log2(x))))
max.genes <- apply(raw2,1,max)
max.samples <- apply(raw2,2,max)
samples.with.counts.filt <- apply(raw, 2, function(x)(sum(x!=0)))
genes.with.counts.filt <- apply(raw, 1, function(x)(sum(x!=0)))
mat.ordered2 <- raw2[rev(order(genes.with.counts.filt)), rev(order(samples.with.counts.filt))]
mat.ordered3 <- mat.ordered2; mat.ordered3[which(mat.ordered2==0)] <- NA ##still log2
raw.ordered2 <- raw[rev(order(genes.with.counts.filt)), rev(order(samples.with.counts.filt))]
#Filtering samples with non-zero gene counts <6000 and genes <30
filtered <- mat.ordered2[1:15000,1:90]
filtered.raw <- raw.ordered2[1:15000,1:90]
write.table(filtered.raw, "PR1643_adjusted_raw_90samps_15kgenes.txt", sep="\t", quote=F)
#6. Regularized log normalization - DESeq
ragp.raw <- filtered.raw
#Regularized log transformation : rlog takes long to run
ragp.rlog <- rlog(ragp.raw, fitType = "local", blind = T);
rownames(ragp.rlog) <- rownames(ragp.raw)
#Median centering <- t(apply(ragp.rlog,1,function(x)(x-median(x))))
#Extract high expression genes for visualization
count.means <- apply(ragp.raw,1,mean)
highgenes <- rownames(ragp.raw)[which(count.means>10)]
#Using total counts
top200 <- rev(sort(rowSums(ragp.raw)))[1:200]
top2000 <- rev(sort(rowSums(ragp.raw)))[1:2000]
#7. Normalization- SCnorm
#Input is DESeq rlog matrix (90 samples, 15000 genes)
mySCData <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = list('counts' = ragp.rlog))
Conditions <- as.factor(annot_samp$batch)
countDeptEst <- plotCountDepth(Data = mySCData, Conditions = Conditions,FilterCellProportion = .1, NCores=4)
mySCData = SingleCellExperiment::counts(mySCData)
DataNorm <- SCnorm(Data = mySCData,Conditions = Conditions,PrintProgressPlots = TRUE,FilterCellNum = 10, NCores=4, reportSF = TRUE)
NormalizedData.rlog <- SingleCellExperiment::normcounts(DataNorm)
row.names(NormalizedData.rlog) <- row.names(ragp.rlog)
#Save the normalized count data into a new file
write.table(NormalizedData.rlog,"PR1643-normalized_90samples_15kgenes.txt", sep="\t", quote=F, col.names = NA, row.names = T)