1. Mammalian cell lines and cell culture (Timing 3 day)
The detailed information for preparing the stably transfected HeLa cell lines that expressing metallothionein (MTn) tags was described in our Nature Methodmanuscript (Jiang et al. 2020 [1]).The selected stable expression cells were cultured under selective growth conditions (e.g.DMEM with 10% FBS and200 mg/mL G418 (for Ost4 or KDEL transfected cells) or 50mg/mL hygromycin B (for mito-AcGFP transfected cells)at 37 °C 5% CO2 incubator).Here list the procedures for preparing HeLa cells cultured on sapphire discs for EM experiments:
1.1 Ultrasonic cleaning of 3mmx0.16mm sapphire discs in a 2mLmicrotubes with 1 mL ethanol for 5 min;
1.2 Burning each sapphire disc in the flame of an alcohol lamp inside a laminar flow cabinet for 5 s;
1.3 Marking one side of each sapphire disc with a number with a solvent resistant pen;
1.4 Placing sapphire discs on the bottom of a 35mm culture dish or a well of 6-well cell culture plate (with the mark side on the bottom surface) (Figure 2);
1.5 Sterilizing the cell culture dish or platewith sapphire discs (each side) under UV light for 30 min.
1.6 Aliquot cells into the cell culture dish or platewith sapphire discs and add proper amount DMEM with 10% FBS and200 mg/mL G418 or 50 mg/mL hygromycin B;
1.7 Placing the cell culture dish or plate in a cell culture incubator for cell growing;
1.8 When the cell confluency reaches full confluence, ready for further EM experiments.
2. Oxidization and Fixation (Timing 1-3 day)
Cells cultured on the sapphire discs will be fixed either with chemical fixation (Scheme 2) or cryo-fixation (e.g., high pressure freezing (HPF)) (Scheme 3) before using for AuNP synthesis (Figure 1). The procedures for two Schemes are described as following:
Scheme 2 (b,d) : oxidization and chemical fixation (Timing ~ 14 h):
2.1 Oxidization (at 4 °Cor at room temperature)
Scheme 2b: Change the medium in the 35mm cell culture dish with1mLof5mM (or 3mM)DTDPAinselectedbuffer (e.g.,PBS, 0.2M HEPES, 0.1M PIPES, or DMEM with 10% FBS, pH 7.4) for 30 min oxidization at 4°C (Note: HEPES and PIPES containing 1 mM CaCl2and 1 mM MgCl2).
Scheme 2d: Change the medium in the culture dish with1mLof25mMMMTSinPBS (pH 7.4) for 5 min oxidizing at room temperature.
2.2 Fixation
Add 4 µL of 25% GA (0.1% final conc.) to the culture dish for 5-30 min fixation at 4°C (Note: keep the oxidant and the medium unchanged; Simply suck away thesolution in the dish immediately for the next neutralization step.
2.3 Neutralization
Change the solution in the culture dish with 1 mL of 50mM glycine in PBS (or the selected buffer) for neutralization at 4 °Covernight; Simply suck away the solution in the tube for next step.
2.4 Permeabilization
Permeabilize with 1 mL of 0.1% triton X-100 in PBS (or the selected buffer) in the culture dish at room temperature (RT) for 2 min;
2.5 Wash with 1 mL of PBS-A for 3 X 5 min; Ready for ANSM-based AuNP synthesis in the following step 3.1.
Scheme 3 (a,b,c) : high pressure freezing and freeze-substitution fixation (HPF/FSF) (Timing 40-53 h):
2.1 high pressure freezing (Timing ~ 1 h)
(1) Fill the pre-cleaned 0.025 mm deep aluminum carrier with 2 µL of 1-hexadecene;
(2) Pick a 3 mm x 0.16 mm sapphire disc (from the above step 1.8) with forceps and quickly cap the disc on to the 0.025 mm deep aluminum carrier with the cells facing the cavity (distinguish by the label);
(3) Load the capped carrier into the customized 3.05 mm x 0.66 mm HPF specimen holder for high pressure freezing;
(4) Unload the carrier under liquid nitrogen in the foam cryobox and stored in 2mL polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes in liquid nitrogen before use.
2.2 Freeze-substitution fixation (Timing 39-52 h)
Load 1-4 specimens (attached on sapphire discs) into a 2mL polypropylene microtube (we also tried 35mm polypropylene dish, see the Trouble Shooting section) with 1 mL of frozen freeze-substitution solvent (different for following Scheme 3a,3b,3c) under liquid nitrogen(LN2) with a pair of pre-cooled forceps; Then transfer the microtube to the pre-cooled to -90°C chamber of a Leica AFS2 freeze-substitution machine for FSF processing.
The procedures for Scheme 3a,3b,3c are described as following:
Scheme 3a (HPF/FSF) (Timing 42 h):
(1) Keep the specimens in 1 mL of acetone containing 10 mM DTDPA + 5% ddH2O + 1% methanol at -90°C for 12h;
(2) Warm up gradually from 90°C to -20°C within 8h;
(3) Stay at -20°C for 2h;
(4) Cool back from -20°C to -30°C within 1h;
(5) Add 10 µL of 10% GA (in acetone) to the microtube (still contains the 1mL of DTDPA solution) at -30°Cfor 5 h fixation;
(6) Gradual rehydration:
a. Change to pre-cooled -30 °C 30% ddH2O in acetone, gradually warm up to -20 °C within 30 min;
b. Change to pre-cooled -20 °C 50% PBS in acetone, gradually warm up to 4 °C within 1h;
c. Change to pre-cooled 4 °C 70% PBS in acetone for 10 min;
d. Change to pre-cooled 4 °C PBS for 10 min;
(7) Neutralization: change to 1 mL of 50 mM glycine in PBS for neutralization at 4 °Covernight;
(8) Wash with 1 mL PBS-A for 3 X 5 min; Ready for ANSM-based AuNP synthesis in the following step 3.1.
Scheme 3b (HPF/FSF; Gold enhancing) (Timing 52 h):
(1) Keep the specimens in 1 mL of acetone at -90 °C for 3h;
(2) Change to 1 mL of acetone containing 50 mM DTDPA + 0.02% TA + 5% ddH2O at -90°C for 12h;
(3) Warm up gradually from -90°C to -60°C within 5h;
(4) Stay at -60°C for 10h;
(5) Warm up gradually from -60°C to -35°C within 5h;
(6) Change to 0.1% GA + 0.01% UA + 50mM DTDPA+5% ddH2O in acetonefor 5h fixation at -35°C;
(7) Change to 1 mL of acetone containing 30% 0.2M HEPES buffer for 30 min rehydration at -35°C;
(8) Warm up from -35°C to 0°C within 10 min;
(9) Replaced with 1mL of RT 0.2M HEPES buffer containing 50 mM glycine at 0°C for 5 min;
(10) Neutralize excess aldehyde with 1 mL of 50 mM glycine in PBS at 4 °C overnight;
(11) Wash with 1 mL of PBS-A for 3 X 5 min ; Ready for ANSM-based AuNP synthesis in the following step 3.1.
Scheme 3c (HPF/FSF; No oxidizing + No GA fixation) (Timing ~ 39 h):
(1) Keep the specimens in 1 mL of acetone for 2h at -90 °C;
(2) Change to 1 mL of acetone containing 0.02% TA at -90°C for 8h (or 0.01% TA for 12 h);
(3) Warm up gradually from -90°C to -60°C within 3h;
(4) Wash with acetone for 3x1h at -60°C;
(5) Warm up gradually from -60°C to -30°C within 3h;
(6) Add 2µLof 10% UA (final concentration: 0.01% UA) in 1 mL of acetonefor 3h fixation at -30°C;
(7) Wash with acetone for 3x30min at -30°C;
(8) Warm up gradually from -30°C to 4°C within 2h;
(9) Instant or gradual rehydration
Take out the sapphire disc (with cells attached on), immediately drop into a 35mm culture dish containing 1 mL of 0.2M HEPES with 1mM CaCl2and 1 mM MgCl2(pH 7.4) for instant rehydration; Or drop into 70% acetone in 0.2M HEPES with 1mM CaCl2and 1 mM MgCl2(pH 7.4) for a transitionalrehydration.
(10)Change to 0.2 M HEPES with 1 mM CaCl2and 1 mM MgCl2(pH 7.4)at 4 °C overnight;
(11) Wash with 1 mL of PBS-A for 3 X 5 min; Ready for ANSM-based AuNP synthesis in the following step 3.1.
3. ANSM-based AuNP synthesis for mammalian cells (Timing 3 h)
For cell grown on sapphire disc case:
3.1 Transfer 1-4 sapphire discs to a 35mm culture dish containing 1 mL of PBS-A buffer at RT (keep the marked side of the disc on the bottom).
3.2 Add 4.28 µL of 2-ME into the culture dish at RT incubate for 1 h;
3.3 Add 4.28 µL of 2-ME into a 2mL polypropylene microtube containing 1 mL of PBS-A buffer (pH 7.4), add 80 µL of 10 mM HAuCl4, immediately vortex; Add 80 µL of 500 mM D-P, vortex; Change the solution in culture dish with this mixture and incubate for 2hat 4 °C;
3.4 Add 20 µL of 100 mM NaBH4, immediately shake to mix well, incubate for 5 min (Note: 100 mM NaBH4must be freshly prepared at 4 °C for immediate use).
3.5 Change solution to 1 mL of PBS-A at 4 °C.
For cell in suspension case (Note: only tried with Scheme 2b(PBS):
3.1 Disperse the cell pellet with 1 mL of RT PBS-A buffer in 2mL polypropylene microtube.
3.2 Add 4.28 µL of 2-ME into the microtube at RT, and then incubate for 1 h;
3.3 Add 80 µL of 10 mM HAuCl4to the microtube, immediately vortex; Add 80 µL of 500 mM D-P, vortex; Then, incubate for 2hat 4 °C;
3.4 Add 20 µL of 100 mM NaBH4, immediately vortex to mix well, incubate for 5 min (Note: 100 mM NaBH4must be freshly prepared at 4 °C for immediate use).
3.5 Centrifuge at 800 rpm for 2 min to obtain cell pellet;
3.6 Change solution to 1 mL of PBS-A at 4 °C.
(Note: for suspension case, the rest standard HPF/FSF and embedding all need similar adjustments: centrifugation 800 rpm X 2 min to obtain cell pellet, and load into aluminum carrier for freezing).
4. HPF/FSF (Timing 56-58 h):
4.1 high pressure freezing (Timing 1 h)
(1) Fill the pre-cleaned 0.025 mm deep aluminum carrier with 2 µL of 1-hexadecene;
(2) Pick a 3 mm x 0.16 mm sapphire disc (from the above step 3.4) with forceps and quickly cap the disc on to a 0.025 mm deep aluminum carrier with the cells facing the cavity (distinguish by the label);
(3) Load the capped carrier into the customized 3.05 x 0.66 mm HPF specimen holder for high pressure freezing;
(4) Unload the carrier under liquid nitrogen in the foam cryobox and stored in 2mL polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes in liquid nitrogen before use.
4.2 Freeze-substitution fixation and gold enhancing (Timing 56-58 h):
After the AuNP synthesis, the frozen specimens were either processed with standard 1% OsO4+0.1% UA in acetone freeze-substitution fixation directly or with optional FSF-based gold enhancement (Scheme 3b; Figure 2) prior to the standard 1% OsO4+0.1% UA in acetone freeze-substitution fixation.
Standard FSF with 1% OsO4+0.1% UA in acetone (Timing 56 h):
(1) Load 1-4 specimens (attached on sapphire discs) into a 2mL polypropylene microtube with 1 mL of frozen acetone containing 1% OsO4+0.1% UA under LN2;
(2) Transfer the microtube to the pre-cooled to -90°C chamber of a Leica AFS2 freeze-substitution machine and stay for 24h at -90 °C;
(3) Warm up gradually from -90°C to -60°C within 5h;
(4) Hold at -60°C for 6h;
(5) Warm up gradually from -60°C to -20°C within 3h;
(6) Hold at -20°C for 18h;
(7) Warm up gradually from -20°C to 4°C within 2h;
(8) Wash with acetone 3 x 1 h at 4 °C;
(9) Warm up to RT for resin infiltration;
Scheme 3b (FSF-based gold enhancing) (Timing 58 h):
(1) Load 1-4 specimens (attached on sapphire discs) into a 2mL polypropylene microtube with 1 mL of frozen acetone containing 0.5% GA under LN2;
(2) Transfer the microtube to the pre-cooled to -90°C chamber of a Leica AFS2 freeze-substitution machine and stay for 3h at -90°C;
(3) Warm up gradually from -90°C to -60°C within 6h;
(4) Wash with acetone for 3x1h at -60°C;
(5) FSF-based gold enhancing
(a) Add 10µL of 1% HAuCl4(in acetone) to the microtube containing 1mL of acetone for 8h incubation at -60°C;
(b) Add 10 µL of fresh 10 mM NaBH4(must be fresh prepared) to the solution for 20h gold enhancing at -60°C;
(c) Wash with acetone 3x1h at -60 °C;
(6) Change to 1 mL of 1%OsO4+0.1% UA in acetone for 5h fixation at -60°C;
(7) Warm up gradually from -60°C to -30°C within 5h;
(8) Warm up gradually from -30°C to 4°C within 2h;
(9) Wash with acetone 3x1h at 4°C;
(10)Warm up to RT for resin infiltration;
5. Resin infiltration, embedding, polymerization, and thin sectioning (Timing ~3 day):
5.1 Infiltrate the sample with 1:1 SPI-Pon 812 resin: acetone for 1.5h, 3:1 SPI-Pon 812 resin:acetone for 6-12h, 100% SPI-Pon 812 resin for 1 h, 100% SPI-Pon 812 resin for 3 h, and 100% SPI-Pon 812 resin for 1 h on a rotator.
5.2 Transfer the resin infiltrated sample attached on the sapphire disc to a flat-tip BEEM embedding capsule, incubate in fresh resin for 12 h polymerization at 45°C followed with 24-48h at 60°C(Note: the side with cells should be kept right-side up, see Figure 2).
5.3 Trim the polymerized specimen carefully to exposure the sapphire disc, dip into LN2for 10 s to detach the cells from the disc and separate the disc from the block with forceps; then trim the block to trapezoidal shape for thin sectioning (e.g., 90nm) with a Lecia ultramicrtome.
5.4 Pick the sections on a 200-mesh hexagonal copper grid that coated with/without formvar.
6. EM imaging of cells (Timing 6-24 h):
90 nm thin sections on copper grids positive stained with 2% UA for 6 min or without positive staining were directly used for EM imaging on an FEI Spirit electron microscope (FEI Corp.) operating at 120kV. The images were recorded with a 4k x 4k 895 CCD camera (Gatan Corp.) under proper defocus values. Usually at magnification range from 11kX to 30kX are suitable for visualizing AuNPs in cells with proper defocus values to ensure 2-3 nm AuNPs visible.