Cell Culture
· Inverted contrast microscope for routine examination of cell cultures
· Water bath at 37 °C to warm cell culture media
· Incubator at 37 °C with 5% CO2
· Greiner centrifuge tube, 50 ml (Sigma-Aldrich, Cat. No. T2318)
· Cell culture dishes 100 mm (Corning Cat. No. 430167)
· Filtered sterile pipette tips (Fisher Scientific Cat. No.02-707-404)
· Pipet-Aid (Drummond, Cat. No. 4-000-101)
· Serological Pipettes (Corning, 10, 25 and 50 mL)
· Scissors (FisherSci)
¨ Autoclave (LBR Scientific LCC, TUTTNAUER)
¨ Shaker Incubator at 37 °C for E. coli growth (Eppendorf Innova-44R)
¨ Magnetic stirrer (VWR)
¨ High-speed centrifuge (Eppendorf 5427R)
¨ Low Speed Centrifuge for 15/50 ml tubes (Eppendorf, 5702-R)
¨ Ultracentrifuge (Optima L-90k ultracentrifuge, SW60 Ti rotor; SW55 rotor; JS5.0 rotor Beckman)
¨ Table Spin centrifuge (Argos Flexifuge)
¨ Magnetic Stirrer (VWR)
¨ pH meter (Fisher Scientific, AB15)
¨ Refrigerator (−80 °C) (Haier, HYCD-290)
¨ Refrigerator (4 and −20 °C) (Haier, DE-25W262)
¨ Microcentrifuge tube 1.7 ml (Posi-Click Denville, 1149K01)
¨ Microcentrifuge tube 0.6 ml (Posi-Click Denville, C-2176)
¨ Serological pipette 5 ml (FALCON, 357543)
¨ Serological pipette 10 ml (FALCON, 356551)
¨ Serological pipette 25 ml (BasixTM, 20210904-071-B)
¨ 10 ml petri dish (VWR)
¨ Heating Block (VWR Scientific Products)
¨ Cell Spreader (VWR)
¨ Water Bath (Fisher Scientific)
¨ JS 5.0 liner (Beckman Coulter, Cat. No 368735-40)
¨ D-tube dialyzer, 6–8 kDa MWCO (Novagen, cat. no. 71509-3)
¨ Centrifuge tubes, 4 ml, 11 × 60 mm (Thinwall, Ultra-Clear; Beckman, Cat. No. 344062)
¨ Amicon Ultra-0.5, 30-kDa membrane (Millipore, Cat. No. UFC503096)
¨ PVDF membrane, 0.2 μm (Macherey-Nagel, cat. no. 740401.50)
¨ FluoroNunc Maxisorp 96-well white plate (Thermo, Cat. No. 437591)
¨ Poly-Prep chromatography columns (Bio-Rad, Cat. No. 731-1550)
¨ Glass tube, 12 × 75 mm (Fisher, Cat. No. 14-961-26)
¨ Vacuum desiccator
¨ Vacuum pump (Alcatel 2005 C1, ultimate vacuum <10−4 mbar)
¨ Balance
¨ Gas-tight glass syringe (Hamilton, Cat. No. 1701RN, 1710 RN, 1750 RN)
¨ SpectraMax M5 multimode microplate reader
¨ Digital vortex mixer (VWR, Cat. No. 14005-824)
¨ Liquid chromatography system (ÄKTA Explorer; GE Healthcare)
¨ Superdex 200 10/300 GL prepacked column
¨ Orbital shaker (Barnstead Lab, multipurpose rotator (2314Q))
¨ Harrick Plasma Basic Plasma Cleaner
¨ Nitrogen tank and gauge
¨ Automatic high sensitivity osmometer (5004 Micro-Osmette; Precision Systems)
Critical: There is a diverse range of hardware and acquisition softwares available, allowing for various effective combinations. We describe our specific setups below, this protocol can be adapted to any microscope system that includes a minimum of two laser lines, two fluorescence channel detectors, and an enclosure capable of regulating temperature.
Confocal Microscope
Inverted confocal laser-scanning microscope (Leica SP8) equipped with a GalvoZ stage. Following parts of the microscope are necessary to perform membrane fusion experiments.
· Objectives (Leica, model no. HC PL APO 40x/1,10 W CORR CS2 with 0.65 mm long working distance is required for imaging the lipid bilayer.)
· Lasers: argon (488 nm) and helium–neon (HeNe; 633 nm)
· Detectors: 3× spectral PMT and 1× transmission PMT for bright-field microscopy, differential interference contrast (DIC) and polarization, respectively
· Microscope enclosure with temperature control
· GalvoZ stage with inserts for slides and 35-mm dishes.
TIRF Microscope
1. A Nikon Ti-E Sapphire fully motorized body (Nikon Instrument, Japan) with a perfect focus system (PFS)
2. EMCCD camera (Andor IXON 887)
3. Lasers (488 nm, 532 nm, and 633 nm)
4. Dual View opto-split suitable for collecting fluorescence from 488 and 633 nm channels.
5. A Plan Apo 60× NA 1.45 objective lens (Nikon Instruments)
6. Acquisition software: NIS-Elements AR 5.30.02 (Nikon)
The optical configuration should be set according to the dyes used.
Preparation of BSA-coated coverslips and chambers
Incubate MatTek glass bottom dishes in 1 mL of 1 mg/ml BSA solution for 1 h. Wash two times with GPMV buffer. The coating should be done immediately before use.
Plate reader setup for lipid mixing
Configure the plate reader to incubate at 37 °C. Adjust the excitation and emission wavelengths to 460 nm and 538 nm, respectively, with an automatic cutoff set at 530 nm. Set the photomultiplier tube (PMT) to a low sensitivity level. Program the reader to take measurements at 1-minute intervals over a total acquisition period of approximately 120 minutes.
Preparation of Silicon chips for confocal microscopy
Silicon chips are glued on a glass coverslip using optical transparent glue NOA61 to fit in an Ibidi Sticky-Slide 8 Well high. See PROCEDURE for more details.
Preparation of Silicon Surface for TIRF microscopy
Silicon chip of thickness = 4.7 µm are attached to Ibidi Sticky-Slide 18 well in a format. See PROCEDURE for more details.
Confocal microscopy with incubation systems
Refer to Box 1 for a sample of specific image acquisitions and the settings utilized in our system.
Box 1: Setup for Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope
1. Turn on temperature within the microscope enclosure to maintain 37 °C.
2. In ‘configuration’, turn on the argon (488-nm) and HeNe (633-nm) lasers.
3. Activate PMT 1, tick ‘visible’, set laser power to 2% and spectral range to 500–550 nnm, click ‘PMT 1’ and set gain to 800 (change this later depending on signal strength).
4. Activate PMT 2, tick ‘visible’, set laser power to 5% and spectral range to 650–700 nm, click ‘PMT 2’ and set gain to 800 (change this later depending on signal strength).
5. Activate TMD, tick ‘visible’, set gain to 250 (change this later depending on signal strength).
6. In ‘Acquire’ → ‘Acquisition’:
· Set ‘Acquisition mode’ to XYT
· Set ‘Format’ to 512 × 512
· Set ‘Speed’ to 1800 or 8000 Hz (change this depending on the experimental requirement)
· Set ‘Time interval’ to Minimize
· Set ‘No of Frames’ to 5000
TIRF microscopy with incubation systems
Refer to Box 2 for a sample of specific image acquisitions and the settings utilized in our system.
Box 2: Setup for NIKON-TIRF Microscope
1. Turn on the microscope and required laser lines (for example 488, 532 and 647 nm).
2. Select the 60X TIRF oil objective and put a drop of Nikon Immersion Oil Type F (Index = 1.518 at 23°C).
3. Place the SLIM chip with a slide holder.
4. Turn on the light and focus the array of holes on the chip.
Critical: The SLIM chip is easier to focus with the bright light in Epifluorescence mode.
5. Switch off the bright light and turn on the required laser line.
6. Change the setting to TIRF mode.
Critical: The TIRF angle maybe 2-3 degrees different than the corresponding glass slide. Therefore, it may need initial scanning to find the exact TIRF mode.
7. For simultaneous dual color monitoring, insert the corresponding dual viewer to split the beam.
Reagent Setup
t-SNAREs (SNAP25, Syntaxin1b)
t-SNARE proteins can be expressed using a bicistronic vector, pTW34 as previously detailed.18 After purification, aliquot and flash freeze the protein in liquid nitrogen in buffer consisting of 400 mM KCl, 25 mM HEPES, 1% (wt/vol) n-Octyl β-D-glucopyranoside (OG), 1 mM DTT, and 10% (v/v) glycerol. Adjust the pH of this solution to 7.4. For long-term storage, maintain this preparation at −80 °C, where it remains stable and active for up to six months.
Express and purify full-length, wild-type mouse VAMP2 as previously described.19 After purification, aliquot and flash freeze the protein in liquid nitrogen in buffer consisting of 400 mM KCl, 25 mM HEPES, 1% (wt/vol) n-Octyl β-D-glucopyranoside (OG), 1 mM DTT, and 10% (v/v) glycerol. VAMP2 maintains its activity for up to 6 months when stored at −80 °C.
Synaptotagmin 1-5xHis
SYT1 protein used in this assay is a truncated protein (residues 47-421) consisting of the transmembrane domain and the complete cytosolic domain. Expression and purification have been detailed previously.13 After purification, aliquot and flash freeze the protein in liquid nitrogen in buffer consisting of 400 mM KCl, 25 mM HEPES, 1% (wt/vol) n-Octyl β-D-glucopyranoside (OG), 1 mM DTT, and 10% (v/v) glycerol. SYT1 maintains its activity for up to 2 months when stored at −80 °C.
Complexin 1
Complexin 1 can be expressed as previously described.20,21 After purification, aliquot and flash freeze the protein in liquid nitrogen in buffer consisting of 140 mM KCl, 25 mM HEPES, 1 mM TCEP and 10% (v/v) glycerol. Complexin 1 retains its activity for up to 6 months when stored at −80 °C. Do not re-freeze thawed aliquots.
Synthetic SUVs (V-SUVs and V-Syt1 SUVs)
Make SUVs using DOPC/DOPS/ATTO-647N = 77 / 20 / 3 mol%. For constructing VAMP2-SUVs (vSUVs), maintain a Lipid/Protein ratio of 100. To create VAMP2-Synaptotagmin1 SUVs (SYT1-vSUVs), adjust the Lipid/Protein ratio of VAMP2/SYT1 to 100:250. Refer to the 'Preparation of SUVs' section in the PROCEDURE for detailed instructions.
Note! The protein-to-lipid ratio can be changed depending on the experiment performed. The reconstituted liposomes are assumed to have 55% protein facing outward and 45% facing inward.22
GPMV buffer (10 mM HEPES, 150 mM KCl, 2 mM CaCl2, 10mM Sucrose, pH7.4):
Mix 18.75 mL of KCl (2M Stock), 0.5 mL of CaCl2 (1M Stock), and 2.5 mL of HEPES (1M Stock - pH 7.4), 5 mL of sucrose (0.5M Stock) in distilled water and bring to 250 mL. This can be stored at room temperature or at 4 °C for 6 months.
Note: Sucrose is mandatory to burst GUVs
GPMV working buffer (2 mM NEM):
Dissolve 2.5 mg NEM in 10 mL of GPMV buffer. The solution should be freshly prepared.
Dialysis Buffer A (5X):
Prepare 2 L of a buffer (pH 7.4) containing 600 mM KCl, 125 mM HEPES, and 5 mM DTT. This buffer should be freshly prepared.
Dialysis Buffer B (1X):
Take 1 L of Buffer A and make up to 5 L with Milli-Q water in a beaker.
t-SUV reconstitution buffer
Add 1% (wt/vol) OG to 10 mL of a dialysis buffer A (5X).
v-SUV reconstitution buffer
Add 1% (wt/vol) OG to 10 mL of a dialysis buffer B (1X).
MemGlow™ 488: Fluorogenic Membrane Probe Solution (20 µM):
For creating a 20 µM stock solution, reconstitute the lyophilized powder in 100 µl of anhydrous DMSO. Then, aliquot this stock into 5 µL aliquots and store them at -80 °C.