This study will be nested in the TB testing program operated by International Care Ministries (ICM), a non-profit organization in the Philippines.
To avoid indiscriminate mass testing, the following criteria will be adopted from the World Health Organization to identify high-risk participants: 1) cough for more than two weeks, 2) TB contact history, and 3) high risk group and a TB related symptom. (7) Participants with any one of the three criteria will be given a referral to the rural health units (RHU) to get further TB testing. All those who have successfully attended RHU for laboratory testing or diagnosis will be given a RHU reply slip to verify their attendance.
In this study, participants will be assigned to one of four RCT groups.
1. Group A (Control): Participants will receive a referral to the nearest RHU and oral encouragement from staff.
2. Group B (Food incentives): Participants will receive a referral to the nearest RHU and oral encouragement from staff. In addition, participants will receive 4 fortified rice packages prior to RHU attendance. An additional 4 fortified rice packages will be given for those who needed to attend the RHU for the second time to check test results.
3. Group C (Transportation subsidies to RHU): Participants will receive a referral to the nearest RHU and oral encouragement from staff. In addition, participants will receive 100 pesos for a visit to RHU prior to RHU visit as transportation subsidies. For participants living further away from the RHU, more subsidies will be given on a case-by-case basis. For those who need to attend the RHU for the second time to check test results, an additional 100 pesos will be given.
4. Group D (food incentives and transportation subsidies to the RHU): Participants will receive a referral to the nearest RHU and oral encouragement from staff. In addition, 4 fortified rice packages and 100 pesos transportation subsidies will be given prior to the RHU visit. Similar to Group C, for participants living further away from the RHU, more transportation subsidies will be given on a case-by-case basis. For those who need to attend the RHU for the second time to check test results, an additional 4 fortified rice packages and extra transportation subsidies will be provided.