Preparing the ultrasound set up and the mouse
1. Verify the micro-manipulator probe clamp is set to be adjustable in the Y-axis, then mount the MX550S probe on the clamp. Position the probe transverse to the imaging platform.
2. Select the mouse abdominal application on the ultrasound system and open the image width and depth fully. Place the ultrasound focal point at a depth of about 9mm.
3. Verify the injection system is perpendicular to the imaging platform and adjust the syringe mount angle to ~ 30o below horizontal. Ensure the needle driver is fully retracted and the ruler is at zero. Ensure the injection system Y- and Z-axis fine adjustment knobs to be in the middle of their movement range (12.5mm for Z-axis, 10mm for Y-axis).
4. Adjust the imaging platform X- and Y-axis fine adjustment knobs so they are in the middle of their movement range (12.5mm for X-axis, 10mm for Y-axis). (see USGI set up Figure 1, and Image guided injection system Figure 2)
5. Turn on the supplemental heat to the imaging platform on the THM-150, and set temperature to 37oC.
6. Under isoflurane anesthesia depilate mice on the ventral surface across its thorax. (This step can occur up to one day ahead of the following steps)
7. Position the mouse supine on the imaging platform with all four limbs slightly outstretched (this is considered to be at the 12 o’clock position for the imaging platform). Apply tape across the front limbs and across the lower jaw to the nose cone. Apply tape across the pelvis. Maintain isoflurane at 2% to the imaging platform nose cone.
8. Rotate the imaging platform to the 7 o’clock position, in this orientation the mouse’s head is closest the sonographer and it’s left flank is nearly perpendicular to the needle mount. (Refer to supplemental video 1 for animal placement steps #7-8)
Locate and inject into the left ventricle
9. Apply a generous amount of ultrasound gel to the prepared area and allow some to spill over the flank. Lower the transducer onto the area leaving roughly 2mm of gel between the transducer face and the skin line.
10. Visualize the left ventricle parasternal short axis and use the Y-axis fine adjustment knob of the imaging platform to scan several millimeters cranial-caudally to identify the widest area of the left ventricle. Typically the papillary muscle attachments are visible at the widest area of the left ventricle.
11. Ensure there are no bubbles in the needle or syringe to prevent an air embolism which can cause death. Mount the syringe in the syringe mount so that the syringe scale is visible and the needle is bevel up. Then wipe needle with alcohol.
12. Release the knob on the injection system that locks the rotation of the system assembly and then retighten to set to the default perpendicular position. (See Image guided injection system Figure 2)
13. Slide the injection system towards the mouse so the needle is just touching the mouse within the flank ultrasound gel. Using the injection system Y-axis fine adjustment knob bring the needle to be in plane and visualized by the ultrasound transducer. Adjust the needle up or down using the Z-axis fine adjustment knob to line up for insertion into the left ventricle.
14. Place several right-hand fingers on the mouse’s right side in a supportive position to counteract any force during needle insertion. Do not push on the mouse.
15. Insert the needle into the left ventricle with a clockwise turn of the needle driver knob. Verify the needle passes fully through the myocardium and into the ventricle lumen, approximately 5 to 7mm in depth. If the needle tip and bevel move out of plane of the transducer and are no longer visible, adjust the transducer position with the knob on the micro-manipulator ultrasound probe clamp (Y-axis probe adjustor) to bring the transducer back into plane with the needle tip and bevel.
16. Inject saline volume slowly over many cardiac cycles (~7-10 seconds) followed by several more cardiac cycles (up to 5 seconds) before retracting the needle driver with a counterclockwise turn, then slide the injection system away. Very small bubbles may be visualized during the injection as bright flecks in the lumen. This is normal and is not of concern for the health of the mouse or an indication of injection success. (Refer to supplemental video 2 for dual synched video of steps #10-16)
17. Monitor for adverse outcomes by observing if the ventricle appears as it did prior to injection. If adverse outcomes are observed prompt humane euthanasia should be considered.
a. The ventricle contraction should be uniform all the way around the myocardium, occur at regular intervals, and
at the rate observed prior.
i. If ventricle contraction is slowed or irregular, keep the left ventricle under ultrasound observation.
ii. Remove the nose from the nose cone to allow mouse to breathe room air. This should start to revive the
mouse which then increases the ventricle contractions and can correct irregularities.
iii. The mouse can then be recovered normally.
b. Assess if any free fluid is around the ventricle which would be indicative of bleeding.
c. The lumen of the ventricle should free from any bubbles visualized during the injection.
d. Occasionally a drop of blood is observed externally when the needle is retracted. This is normal and not
considered adverse and the mouse can be recovered normally.
18. Retract the transducer, un-tape and recover the mouse in its home cage.
19. Monitor the mouse by cage-side observation the next day for signs of distress.