Protocol for the Manual Processing
A. Running Imaris File Converter
1. Use Imaris File Converter Application to convert images before use.
2. Drag the image files to the “Input” area.
3. Choose to “Output” the file to the “Same Folder as Input File” or “Specific Folder” found by clicking “Browse”.
4. Click “Start All”.
B. Opening Image Files
1. Open the Imaris Application.
2. In the toolbar, choose “Arena” > “Observe Folder” and choose the folder containing the Imaris file converted images and click “Select Folder”.
3. In the “Arena” window, click the image to be viewed.
4. In the “Surpass” window, increase the “Rendering Quality” to the highest setting (towards the right).
5. In the toolbar, choose “Image Processing” > “Free Rotate” and change the “Angle” setting to 75º and click "OK". (He said 180?)
In the toolbar, choose “Edit” > “Show Display Adjustment” to display the channel selections. The intensity of each channel can be changed by moving the histogram ranges.
C. Making Surfaces
1. In the “Scene” window, choose the Surfaces tab to make a surface for every area of interest.
2. Rename each surface to the corresponding identity of the region of interest by using the mouse to right click the surface text. The resolution of surfaces are needed to be set at maximum.
3. Click the “Skip automatic creation, edit manually” button.
4. Choose the Draw tab click the “Contour” button then click the “Draw” button.
5. Using the DIC channel, draw the outline of the region of interest by clicking the border. Remove all other channels by clicking the respective channels in the “Display Adjustment” window.
6. Under Selection, click the “Copy” button. Change the “Slice Position” to the last slice and click the “Create Surface” button.
7. Choose the Edit tab. Under “Edit”, click the “Mask selection..” button. In the Mask Channel Window, change the channel under “Channel Selection”, check “Duplicate channel before applying mask”, then click “OK”. Repeat for all channels, always masking the original channels.
8. Choose the Statistics tab, click the “Selection” button, under the drop down “Specific Values” list choose “Volume”and record the value.
Here we used following surfaces for our cochlear image analysis task: ST-Scala Tympani (Basal turn), GB-Spiral Ganglion (Basal turn), LWB-Lateral Wall (Basal turn), GM -Spiral Ganglion (Middle Turn), LWM-Lateral Wall (Middle Turn), GA -Spiral Ganglion (Apex/Apical Turn), LWA -Lateral Wall (Apex/Apical Turn) and MOD-Modiolus.
D. Creating and Counting Spots
1. In the Display Adjustment” window, unclick all channels except the masked channel to be analyzed.
2. Choose the Spots tab, then click the blue forward arrow button to change the page.
3. On page 2/4, under the drop down “Source Channel” list choose the masked channel to be analyzed.
4. On page 2/4, change the “Estimated XY Diameter” to 7.58for macrophages and spiral ganglion neurons, or 6.00 for the nuclei. Click the blue forward arrow button.
Protocol for the Semi-automated Processing
Step 1: Creating the Surfaces
After selecting the first macro, “Run now” is clicked. The macro will automatically create eight desired surfaces. It will then rename the surfaces and set the resolution to the maximum. The output image is depicted in Figure 4. Once it is finished, we need to draw the surface manually (as described earlier).
Figure 5 shows manually drawn outline of four surfaces: scala tympani of base, spiral ganglion of base, lateral wall of base and modiolus of a cochlear section.
Step 2: Masking the Surface
1. Uncheck “Show/Hide all Channels” option.
2. Run the macro “Making mask”. It will create the masks.
3. Run the macro “Naming the Masks”, it will rename the created masks as per instructed. (Figure 6A). If needed, volumes or any other necessary statistics can be recorded at this step.
Step 3: Creating and counting the spots
1. Uncheck “Volume” option.
2. Run the macros for spotcreation and renaming. We divided it into two parts for smooth running it on the computer. The output spots for nucleus, neuron and macrophages are shown in Figure 6B.
3. Count the spots manually with desired standard deviation from estimated threshold. (Figure 6C). The count then should be recorded. (Figure 6D)
Figure 7 demonstrates a counting of neurons in spiral ganglion of base with thresholding.