Vibratome sectioning and tissue slice incubation
1. After sacrifice, collect mouse kidneys and keep them in ice-cold sterile HBSS buffer with 5 mM glucose and 1% penicillin/streptomycin until vibratome sectioning.
2. Embed kidney in 4% low temperature-melting agarose gel.
3. Obtain 350 µm thick tissue slices from fresh tissue under ice-cold HBSS with 5mM glucose and 1% penicillin/streptomycin using a Vibratome VT1200. Slicing speed is 0.1 mm/s, and vibration amplitude is 2 mm.
4. Place tissue slices into culture plates (24 well) and incubate them in a 0.6 mL well-defined medium (nutrients-free Seahorse XF DMEM assay medium, supplemented with 2% FCS, 3 mM linoleic acid (dissolved with addition of 1% BSA), 5 mM glucose, 500 µM glutamine, 100 µM sodium acetate, 50 µM sodium citrate and penicillin/streptomycin (pH adjusted to 7.4) for up to 2 hours at 37°C and 5% CO2.
5. During incubation, change medium to media containing the various 13C-labeled nutrients at different time points. For 13C-metabolite labeling incubation, equal amounts of either U-13C6-glucose, U-13C6-glutamine or U-13C18- linoleic acid are used to replace un-labeled nutrients in each medium.
6. At the end of the experiment, wash tissue slices with milli Q water shortly and quench them with liquid N2. Store samples at -80 °C.
Tissue Preparation and Matrix Deposition
1. Embed frozen tissue samples in 10% gelatin on dry ice.
2. Cryosection into 10 µm thick tissue sections using a Cryostar NX70 cryostat at -20 °C.
3. Thaw-mount the sections onto indium-tin-oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides by putting a finger on the opposite side of the slide at -20 °C. Store the slides at -80 °C until MALDI-MSI measurement.
4. Place the mounted sections in a vacuum freeze-dryer for 15 minutes prior to matrix application.
5. After drying, apply a 7 mg/mL NEDC MALDI-matrix, dissolved in a methanol/acetonitrile/deionized water (70, 25, 5 %v/v/v) solution, on the sections using a SunCollect sprayer. A total of 21 matrix layers are applied with the following flow rates: layer 1-3 at 5 µL/min, layer 4-6 at 10 µL/min, layer 7-9 at 15 µL/min and 10-21 at 20 µL/min (speed x, medium 1; speed y, medium 1; z position, 35mm).
MALDI-MSI measurement
1. Perform MALDI-TOF/TOF-MSI measurement on the matrix coated sections using a RapifleX MALDI-TOF/TOF system. A matrix alone area is measured as control. Negative ion-mode mass spectra are acquired at a pixel size of 5 × 5 µm2 over a mass range from m/z 80-1000. Prior to analysis the instrument is externally calibrated using red phosphorus. Spectra are acquired with 15 laser shots per pixel at a laser repetition rate of 10 kHz and a laser intensity just above the ionization threshold. Data acquisition is performed using flexControl and flexImaging 5.0.
2. Follow up with a MALDI-FTICR-MSI measurement on a 12T solariX MALDI-FTICR mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) in negative-ion mode, using 30 laser shots and 50 µm pixel size. Prior to analysis the instrument is calibrated using red phosphorus. The spectra are recorded over a m/z range of 100-1000 with a 2M data point transient and transient length of 0.5592 seconds, providing an estimated resolution of 130,000 at m/z 400. Data acquisition is performed using ftmsControl, and flexImaging 5.0.
Post-MALDI-MSI Immunofluorescence staining
1. After the MALDI-MSI data acquisition, remove excess matrix from the MSI-analyzed-tissue-sections by washing in 100% ethanol (2 × 5 min), 75% ethanol (1 × 5 min) and 50% ethanol (1 × 5 min).
2. Fix tissue sections using 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 15 min. In case antigen retrieval will be performed in the next step, tissue sections can be fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 30 min at room temperature or overnight at 4 °C.
3. Perform antigen retrieval using antigen retrieval buffer (Citrate pH 6.1) in an autoclave. (optional for optimized usage of some antibodies)
4. Block tissue sections with 3% normal donkey serum, 2% BSA and 0.01% Triton-X100 in PBS for 1 hour at room temperature.
5. Incubate tissue sections with primary antibodies overnight at 4°C.
6. Wash tissue sections with PBS for 3 x 5 min.
7. Incubate tissue sections with fluorescent-labeled secondary antibodies for 1 hour at room temperature.
8. Wash tissue sections with PBS for 3 x 5 min.
9. Embed tissue sections in ProlongTM gold antifade mountant with DAPI.
10. Record the fluorescent images of the tissue sections using a 3D Histech Pannoramic MIDI Scanner.
MSI data pre-processing and exporting
1. Import MSI data into SCiLS Lab 2016b with baseline correction using convolution algorithm.
2. Import the average spectrum into mMass. Re-calibrate the spectrum in mMass. Export the m/z feature list with peaks that have a signal-to-noise-ratio > 3. Exclude the matrix peaks from the m/z feature list (obtained from the matrix control area), and use the remaining peaks to import as m/z feature list in SCiLS Lab 2016b with an interval width of ±30 mDa.
3. The m/z features present in both MALDI-FTICR-MSI and MALDI-TOF-MSI datasets, with similar tissue distribution are further used for identity assignment of lipid species. The m/z values from MALDI-FTICR-MSI are imported into the Human Metabolome Database ( and annotated for lipid species with an error < ±5 ppm. For small molecules detected only by MALDI-TOF-MSI, the m/z values are imported into the Human Metabolome Database and annotated for metabolites with an error < ±20 ppm. The 13C-labeled peaks are selected by comparing the spectrum of control and 13C-labeling experiments, and annotated based on the presence of un-labeled metabolites and their theoretical m/z values.
4. Normalize the MALDI-TOF-MSI data to the total ion count in SCiLS Lab 2016b. Export peak intensities of the selected features for all the measured pixels to a CSV file from SCiLS Lab 2016b. Several values will be present for each feature in the CSV file, due to interval width. Select the maximum values for each feature, represented by the maximum peak intensity from the measured pixels. Export the pixel coordinate information from SCiLS Lab 2016b.
5. Perform natural isotope abundance correction for metabolites used for fraction enrichment calculation with R package IsoCorrectoR.
Single cell clustering and cluster identification
1. Transform the MSI lipidome dataset into a count matrix by multiplying the TIC-normalized intensities by 100 and taking the integer.
2. This count data matrix is normalized and scaled using SCTransform to generate a 2-dimensional UMAP map using Seurat 3.0 in R.
3. Export the cluster information of all the pixels from Seurat 3.0 in R. Combine cluster information and coordinate information to generate images that show the distribution of the pixels from different clusters on tissues using pheatmap package in R.
4. In CaseViewer, annotate the MALDI-MSI measured area (using the saturated fluorescence signal to define the edge between measured and non-measured area) and export as a high resolution IF tiff-file with known (pixel) dimensions of the MALDI-MSI measured area. This allows to align accurately to the measured size of the MALDI-MSI information..
5. Co-register images of the pixel distribution from each cluster with the high-resolution IF tiff image section. It is important to maintain the width and height proportions of the images during co-registration. Annotate the cluster identity based on both staining and kidney morphology.
6. (optional) Change the pixel resolution of the IF staining image to the same resolution as the MSI image in Matlab R2019a, resulting in an IF image with 5 × 5 µm2 pixel size. Export the IF staining values of each pixel and combine those with MALDI-MSI data for the targeted cell-type analysis.
7. Annotated Seurat projects are further integrated into the same UMAP to compare their clusters derived from lipid profiles by using FindIntegrationAnchors and IntegrateData functions in R.
Data integration and imputation
1. Remove the metabolite m/z features from ‘control’, so only lipid m/z features are left, which are used as query.
2. Use the MALDI-MSI data from the 13C-labeling experiments as a reference to transfer metabolite production into the query using FindTransferAnchors and TransferData function from the Seurat 3.0 package in R. Both the query and reference are normalized and scaled using SCTransform.
3. Combine all the imputed metabolite productions into one query dataset, which contained the 13C-labeling information over time as well as from different nutrients.
4. Calculate the fraction enrichment of isotopologues based on the ratio of 13C-labeled metabolites and the sum of same metabolites on each pixel.
5. Generate pseudo-images using the calculated fraction enrichment of isotopologues together with pixel coordinate information exported from SCiLS Lab 2016b. Hotspot removal (high quantile 99%) are applied to all the pseudo-images generated from calculated values. The average fraction enrichment values of identified clusters are used for generating graphs and statistical analysis.
Molecular histology generated from 3D UMAP analysis
1. Integrate different Seurat projects using FindIntegrationAnchors and IntegrateData functions from Seurat 3.0 in R. (optional)
2. Generate a 3-dimensional UMAP map using package plotly in R.
3. Export the pixel embedding information of the 3-dimensional UMAP, and transfer UMAP1, UMAP2 and UMAP3 values into RGB color coding by varying red, green and blue intensities on the 3 independent axes.
4. Combine the RGB color coding with pixel coordinate information exported from SCiLS Lab 2016b to generate a MxNx3 data matrix in R. Use the MxNx3 data matrix to generate molecular histology images in Matlab R2019a.
Trajectory analysis using MALDI-MSI data
1. Integrate different Seurat projects using FindIntegrationAnchors and IntegrateData functions from Seurat 3.0 in R. (optional)
2. Generate a data form for Monocle3 from a Seurat project in R.
3. Run trajectory analysis using Monocle3 in R.
4. Export the embedding information of UMAP and pseudotime values calculated by Monocle3.
5. Transfer UMAP1, UMAP2 and pseudotime values into RGB color coding by varying red, green and blue intensities on the 3 independent axes.
6. Combine the RGB color coding with pixel coordinate information exported from SCiLS Lab 2016b to generate a MxNx3 data matrix in R. Use the MxNx3 data matrix to generate spatial trajectory images in Matlab R2019a. A 3D trajectory image is generated using colorcloud function in Matlab R2019a.