Before you begin
Before capturing any photos, careful consideration should be given to the image file type and storage choices. Many microscopes save acquired images in lossy compression formats, such as JPEG, due to their smaller file size set by default. However, lossy formats “discard” important image color data and are not suitable for quantitative analysis. Other popular file formats saving options, such as TIFF and PNG, are lossless. Natively, the CoLocalizer app used to transform images in this protocol, opens a limited number of lossy and lossless image file formats, including JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. Other proprietary microscopy image formats (ICS, LIF, LSM, ND2, etc) can only be opened following conversion via 3rd party software tools and are not always optimal storage-wise, eventually limiting their use. Therefore, saving captured images as lossless TIFFs and PNGs is highly recommended. We strongly discourage using previously acquired images in lossy formats in this protocol.
Launching CoLocalizer app and opening images
Timing: 1 min
1. Launch the CoLocalizer app either on a desktop (Mac) or a tablet (iPad) computer (Figure 4).
2. Open your image file:
On a desktop:
i. Open the image by selecting the File > Open path from the application menu bar or using the Command+O shortcut or dragging and dropping the file on a CoLocalizer app icon in the dock (Figure 4a).
ii. If you are using single-channel images, merge them on a desktop before opening for transformation. The Merge functionality is not available on a tablet. To merge, select Tools > Merge from the application menu bar or use the Shift+Command+M shortcut to open the Merge window.
iii. Drag-and-drop single-channel images onto the respective image wells of the Merge window and click the Merge button to merge the selected channels (Figure 4b).
On a tablet:
i. Open the image by tapping the image thumbnail on the File Browser screen (Figure 4c).
ii. Once tapped, the image will open on a new Open Image screen (Figure 4d).
Critical: Due to system RAM limitations, the protocol currently works on SISR only. If you need to apply it to the image of stacks, split it into single images (slices) and apply the protocol to the slices one-by-one.
Applying ML models
Timing: 10-30 min per image
3. Once the image is opened, apply ML models to transform it. For conventional images, use the Conventional image approach (Workflow A) (Figure 5). For original super-resolution images, use the Super-Resolution approach (Workflow B) (Figure 5). The Conventional approach will apply the SRGAN ML combined model consisting of denoising, axial restoration, and super-resolution reconstruction models. The Super-Resolution approach will apply the SRGAN ML BC model consisting of the denoising model.
Workflow A
On a desktop
i. Select the model by going to Image > ML Super Resolution in the application menu bar or use the Option+Command+U shortcut (Figure 5a).
ii. Wait for SRGAN ML combined model to be applied (Figure 5b).
iii. Observe the transformed image (Figure 5c).
On a tablet:
i. Select the model by tapping the ML Super Resolution icon in the navigation bar (Figure 5d).
ii. Wait for the SRGAN ML combined model to be applied (Figure 5e).
iii. Observe the transformed image (Figure 5f).
Workflow B
On a desktop:
i. Access the model either by clicking the Background icon in the application toolbar or going to Tools > Background Correction in the application menu bar or using the Shift+Command+B shortcut (Figure 5g).
ii. In the opened Background Correction view, select the color channels used for staining antigens in the image (Figure 5h).
iii. Click the ML Correct button to apply the SRGAN ML BC model (Figure 5i).
On a tablet:
i. Access the model by tapping the Tools icon in the navigation bar and then selecting the Correct Background option from the Tools popover (Figure 5j).
ii. On the opened Background Correction screen, select the color channels used for staining antigens in the image (Figure 5k).
iii. Tap the ML Correct button to apply the SRGAN ML BC model (Figure 5l).
Critical: If a sample is stained for three different antigens and you wish to change a channel pair to view them all, change the Channel Pair using the selector at the top of the view. No need to click or tap the ML Correct button again.
Application of the models shows significantly improved quality of transformed images verified by several controls (Figure 6). After selecting a channel pair, the image will be synced between devices, i.e., it will be possible to switch between a desktop and a tablet and continue the image analysis on one device where it is left off on another device using the Handoff functionality.
Comparing results
Timing: 1-3 min per image
Workflow A and B
4. Once the models were applied, compare results in original vs transformed images. Comparison serves as a control of successful use of the models, since images are expected to change following their application.
On a desktop:
i. Return to the main window by clicking the Inspector icon in the application toolbar or going to Tools > Inspector in the application menu bar or using the Shift+Command+I shortcut.
ii. Choose Undo > ML Super Resolution in the application menu bar to return to the original image. Alternatively, go to File > Revert To and find the original image to revert to.
iii. Access the Colocalization view again by clicking the Colocalization icon in the application toolbar or going to Tools > Quantify Colocalization in the application menu bar or using the Shift+Command+C shortcut as described above.
iv. Compare pixel information data on transformed vs original images.
v. Compare original vs transformed images at higher magnification. To access the Zoom functionality, do one of the following: (a) Click the selector field in the Zoom icon in the application toolbar and select a higher zoom option or (b) Select View > Zoom In from the application menu bar or (c) Use the Command+Plus shortcut.
On a tablet:
i. Return to the Open Image screen by tapping Done at the top right of the navigation bar.
ii. Tap Undo at the top left of the navigation bar to return to the original image.
iii. Compare original vs transformed at higher magnification. To zoom the image, tap on it with two fingers and pinch open to zoom in. While pinching, you will see a zoom label indicating the current image size.
Exporting data
Timing: 1-3 min per image
Workflow A and B
5. The final step of the protocol is exporting obtained data.
On a desktop:
i. In the Colocalization view, click the Export Results… button at the bottom (Figure 7a).
ii. In the opened Export window, fill the Comments field and select the Data, Images, and Report options (Figure 7b). The file formats for Data (XLSX and Text) and Images (JPEG, PNG, and TIFF) can be set in the Preferences of the app. You can export the following features of analyzed images: the whole image, selected ROI, revealed pixels, and scattergram (scatter plot). Once selected, they will be exported as single files as well as included in the Report file.
iii. The Report option will allow the saving of all data in PDF and HTML file formats.
iv. Click the Save… button at the bottom of the window to save the selected options (Figure 7b).
v. To finish the export, select the destination where you would like to save the exported data, either locally or on iCloud Drive.
Caution: Saving the whole image in JPEG format will make it unusable for colocalization analysis. We recommend saving it as lossless TIFF.
Critical: If you wish to export only the transformed image, go to the application menu bar and select File > Export As… or use the Command+E shortcut. Then, save it in the file format of your choice. If you plan to reuse this image, we recommend saving it in native COLOCALIZER format.
On a tablet:
i. On the Open Image screen, tap the Export icon in the navigation bar at the right to access the Export popover (Figure 7c).
ii. In the popover, select the type of data to export, Data or Images. Only one option can be selected at a time.
iii. In the appeared pop-up screen, select the Data or Images exporting options. Only one option can be selected at a time. Data can be saved in either PDF or XLSX formats. Images can be saved in either JPEG, PNG, or TIFF formats (Figure 7d). In addition to coefficients numbers, a PDF file of Data will include the analyzed image, selected ROI, and scattergram (scatter plot) too.
iv. To finish the export, select the destination where you would like to save your data, either on On My iPad or on iCloud Drive.