· Composition of duplex RTqPCR mastermixes (final volume of RTqPCR reaction of 20 µl)
Alphaa, Beta, Delta, Omicron (B.1.1.529), Omicron BA.1, Omicron BA.2, Omicron BA.2.86 and Omicron DeFLiRT RTqPCR
2x One Step: 10 µl
Forward primer 10µM: 0.8 µl (400 nm)
Reverse primer 10µM: 0.8 µl (400 nm)
Probe_Variant 10µM: 0.4 µl (200 nm)
Probe_NoVariant 10µM: 0.4 µl (200 nm)
Takara Ex Taq: 0.4 µl
Prime Script Enzyme: 0.4 µl
H2O PCR: 1.8 µl
Extracted RNA: 5 µl
a21765_21770DelTACATG (deletion 69/70) is also a marker for Omicron BA.4 and BA.5
Gamma RTqPCR
2x One Step: 10 µl
Forward primer 10µM: 0.8 µl (400 nm)
Reverse primer 10µM: 0.8 µl (400 nm)
Probe_Gamma 10µM: 0.4 µl (200 nm)
Probe_NoGamma1 10µM: 0.2 µl (100 nm)
Probe_NoGamma2 10µM: 0.2 µl (100 nm)
Takara Ex Taq: 0.4 µl
Prime Script Enzyme: 0.4 µl
H2O PCR: 1.8 µl
Extracted RNA: 5 µl
Omicron FLip RTqPCR
2x One Step 10 (µl)
Forward primer 10uM: 0.8 µl (400nm)
Reverse primer 10uM: 0.8 µl (400nm)
Probe_FLip_T22928C 10uM: 0.2 µl (100nm)
Probe_Flip_T22930A 10uM: 0.2 µl (100nm)
Probe_No_FLip_G22927G 10uM: 0.2 µl (100nm)
Probe_No_FLip_T22927T 10uM: 0.2 µl (100nm)
Takara Ex Taq: 0.4 µl
Prime Script Enzyme: 0.4 µl
H2O PCR: 1.8 µl
Extracted RNA: 5 µl
· Controls to be included in each RTqPCR assay:
o 2 wells with 5 µl of nuclease-free water (RTqPCR negative controls)
o 2 wells with 5 µl of RNA extraction negative control (RNA extraction negative controls)
o 1 well with 5 µl of each corresponding synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA controls (or synthetic DNA for Omicron FLip, BA.2.86 and DeFLiRT assays) at 1000 copies/µL (RTqPCR positive controls).
· For each sample, 2 wells of undiluted RNA and 2 wells of 1/10 dilution are analyzed.
· For quantification of each target, standard curves are constructed, using a minimum of 5 10-fold dilutions and 3 wells for each dilution, using 2 synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA controls or 2 synthetic DNA for Omicron FLip, Omicron BA.2.86 and Omicron DeFLiRT assay as reference materials (one corresponding to the variant containing the specific mutation and another corresponding to a variant without the specific mutation).
· Thermocycler conditions (common for all duplex RTqPCR assays except for Omicron BA.2, FLip, BA.2.86 and DeFLiRT)
- 10 min at 50ºC (x1)
- 3 min at 95ºC (x1)
- 3 sec at 95ºC and 30 sec at 60ºC (x45)
· Thermocycler conditions for Omicron BA.2
- 10 min at 50ºC (x1)
- 3 min at 95ºC (x1)
- 3 sec at 95ºC and 45 sec at 58ºC (x45)
· Thermocycler conditions for Omicron FLip
- 10 min at 50ºC (x1)
- 3 min at 95ºC (x1)
- 3 sec at 95ºC and 30 sec at 54ºC (x45)
· Thermocycler conditions for BA.2.86 and DeFLiRT
- 10 min at 50ºC (x1)
- 3 min at 95ºC (x1)
- 3 sec at 95ºC and 30 sec at 58ºC (x45)
a) RTqPCR controls (see Tables 3 to 12)
b) Samples
· The calculation of each specific SARS-CoV-2 target concentration in genome copies per reaction (gc/rxn) in each well is performed using the standard curve.
· Occurrence of inhibition and calculation of mean viral titers are estimated by comparing concentrations obtained from duplicate wells tested for the two RNA dilutions (undiluted RNA and 1/10 dilution), as described in Carcereny et al., 2021 (1). Mean concentration of samples and standard error are calculated using as many data as possible, taking into consideration the following steps:
a. Calculate mean concentration as gc/rxn for each RNA dilution:
ai. Data from RNA dilutions containing “No Cq” or Cq≥40 in both wells are not be used for calculation.
aii. When in the analysis of the 2 wells of any RNA dilution, one of the wells has a Cq value <40 and the other has "No Cq" or Cq≥40, this last well is assigned a concentration equal to the theoretical limit of detection (LoD) of 1 gc/rxn.
b. Calculate mean concentration as gc/rxn for each sample:
bi. When the difference between the concentration estimated from undiluted RNA and 1/10 dilution is < 0.5 log10, mean concentration of sample is calculated using data from the 4 wells.
bii. When the difference between the concentration estimated from undiluted RNA and 1/10 dilution is ≥ 0.5 log10, inhibition is considered and mean concentration of sample is calculated using data from the 1/10 dilution.
· The proportion of SARS-CoV-2 genomes corresponding to variants containing the specific signature mutation is calculated using the formula (example):
Delta Duplex RTqPCR:
% = gc/rxn (Probe_Delta) / [gc/rxn (Probe_Delta) + cg/rxn (Probe_NoDelta)] x 100
· Cases in which any of the concentrations fall below the limit of quantification (LoQ), the percentage is calculated using the corresponding LoQ. When both concentrations are <LoQ, percentage cannot be estimated.