1. 70 participants meeting the inclusion criteria and willing to participate will be involved in this study.
2. Single blinded random sampling will be done and two groups will be formed in an experimental group independently designed to examine the combined effect of MRP along with FES and in a conventional group where only MRP is given. After screening 70 participants (35 in each group).
3. Following the baseline evaluation, participants who fullfill the requirement of inclusion will then be assigned randomly to either group (GROUP A or GROUP B) by simple random sampling.
4. Group A: This group will consist of 35 patients of both genders and they will receive MRP along with a FES.
5. In patients first the Target Analysis and then Practicing missing components then the whole task is practiced and then training is transferred and through FES stimulation of dorsiflexors will facilitate reduction in spasticity and reduces foot drop
6. This group received MRP of 30 minutes duration and it will be given in a single session of 30 minutes along with FES for 40 Hz of current for 25 min with 8 sec of contraction and relaxation will be given.
7. The total treatment duration of group A will be 55 min combining MRP along with FES. All the participants will be assessed pre-treatment and post-treatment using scales (FMA-LE, OLST, MAS, FRT, QOLS, and BI) and Gait parameters (Speed, Cadence, Step length, Stride length).
8. Group B: This group will consist of 35 subjects of both genders and they will receive MRP treatment.
9. In the Motor Relearning programme the motor task shall be offered to improve the relearning after the stroke. The task shall be for the purposes of appraisal and preparation.
10. The tasks will be given in three positions i.e., in the supine hip, knee flexed and ankle dorsiflexion. At various angles of hip knee flexion the ankle dorsiflexion is performed. Sitting there is hip knee flexion along with ankle dorsiflexion. And at various angles of knee extension the ankle dorsiflexion shall be performed. Standing up and sitting down. In standing there is minimal hip flexion, knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion. Normal standing with feet a few inches apart, one step forward with intact legs and then backward, forward bending and dorsiflexion, standing against the wall , feet a few inches away from it , backward walking , climbing up and down stairs.
11. On the basis of the task MRP includes as per the treatment planned.
12. STEP NO.1 THE TASK ANALYSIS: Observing, comparing, and analyzing will be done.
13. STEP NO.2 PRACTICE OF THE COMPONENT MISSING: Explanation and Goal Recognition, instructions, Work with visual or Verbal responses with or without Documentary assistance.
14. STEP NO.3. PRAT ICES OF THE TASK: Explanation and identification of the target, Instructions How to, work with visual or Verbal responses with Documentary assistance, Reappraisal and Encourages flexibility
15. STEP NO.4. TRANSLATION OF TRAINING: Practical continuity, coordination of self-monitored instruction, organized learning environment, participation of family members and workers. Studies with stroke populations have shown that Motor Relearning Program (MRP)/ task specific training /Task-related training (TRT) with specific strengthening exercises for paretic muscles leads to improvement in locomotion, bearing lower limb weight in sitting, standing erect and improving gait parameters to enhance quality of line.
16. All the participants will be assessed pre-treatment and post-treatment using Scales (FMA-LE, OLST, MAS, FRT, QOLS and BI) and Parameters for gait (Speed, Cadence, Step length, Stride length).
17. Data Analysis will be done after the collection of the data