The procedure is presented in 5 steps:
A. cpn60 PCR
B. cpn60 PCR clean-up
C. Index PCR
D. Index PCR clean-up
E. Quantification, Normalization and Pooling
A. cpn60 amplicon PCR:
1. Prepare primer cocktail (1:3 molar ratio). Three hundred microliters primer cocktail is sufficient to amplify 300 samples.
3 µL M279 (100 µM)
3 µL M280 (100 µM)
9 µL M1612 (100 µM)
9 µL M1613 (100 µM)
276 µL ultrapure water
(Total volume 300 µL)
2. Prepare PCR master mix considering one PCR reaction per sample. When calculating the number of samples, include no template control (PCR control), extraction controls (reagent control for DNA extractions) and the positive control.
Per reaction (assuming 2 µL template volume):
38.1 µL ultrapure water
5 µL 10x PCR buffer
2.5 µL MgCl2 (50 mM)
0.4 µL Platinum Taq Polymerase
1 µL dNTP mix (10 mM)
1 µL primer cocktail
3. Dispense 48 µl of master mix into the required number of wells of 96-well PCR plate. Add 2 µL template DNA.
4. Seal the PCR plate with foil and centrifuge at 1000 x g for 1 minute at room temperature.
5. Place the sealed PCR plate into the thermocycler.
6. Amplify the cpn60 library following the cpn60 PCR program in a thermocycler:
5 min at 95 °C
40 cycles of (30 sec at 95 °C, 30 sec at 60 °C, 30 sec at 72 °C)
2 min at 72 °C
7. Evaluate the cpn60 PCR products by running the no template control and the positive control amplicons in a 1% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide and visualize using an imaging system. If there is a ~680 bp amplicon observed in the positive control and no amplification in the no template control (Fig. 1), proceed to amplicon clean-up step or store the amplicon PCR plate at 4 °C and proceed to PCR clean up the next day.
B. cpn60 PCR clean-up:
This step is carried out to remove primer-dimers and un-incorporated dNTPs and primers.
1. Bring the amplicon PCR plate and the NucleoMag beads to room temperature.
2. Centrifuge the amplicon PCR plate at 1000 x g at room temperature for 1 minute and remove the plate seal very carefully.
3. Transfer 50 µl of PCR product from the amplicon PCR plate to the deepwell plate using a multi-channel pipettor.
4. Calculate the total volume of NucleoMag beads needed (32.5 µl per sample).
5. Vortex NucleoMag beads for 1 minute to resuspend, and aliquot the required total volume of NucleoMag beads to a reagent reservoir.
6. Add 32.5 µl of NucleoMag beads to each well of the deepwell plate using a multi-channel pipette, changing tips after each transfer to prevent cross-contamination between samples.
7. Seal the deepwell plate with a foil sealer and shake it in the plate-shaker at 1800 rpm for 2 minutes. (If a plate-shaker is not available, pipetting up and down 10 times using a multi-channel pipet is an alternative method for mixing)
8. Incubate the plate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
9. Put the deepwell plate on the magnetic stand for 2 minutes until the supernatant is clear.
10. Using a multi-channel pipette, remove the supernatant while the PCR clean-up plate is sitting on the magnet. Change the tips in between the samples. If the beads get disturbed during the pipetting process, wait until they re-settle. Never throw away beads.
11. Add sufficient volume of freshly prepared 80% ethanol (200 µl/well) to a reagent reservoir.
12. While the plate is sitting on the magnet, add 200µl of ethanol to each well of the PCR clean-up plate using a multi-channel pipette.
13. Incubate the PCR clean-up plate on the magnetic stand for 30 seconds.
14. While the PCR clean-up plate is still sitting on the magnet, remove the supernatant very carefully using a mutichannel pipette.
15. Perform a second wash by repeating steps 12-14.
16. Using a P20 tip, remove all the residual ethanol while the PCR clean-up plate is sitting on the magnet. Change tips between wells.
17. Leave the PCR-clean up plate on the magnet for 10 minutes to dry the beads.
18. Add sufficient volume of 10 mM Tris pH 8.5 to a reagent reservoir (52.5 µL/well).
19. Elute the amplicon DNA from the beads by removing the PCR clean-up plate from the magnet and adding 52.5 µl of 10mM Tris pH 8.5 to each well using a multi-channel pipette.
20. Seal the PCR clean-up plate using a foil plate sealer.
21. Shake the PCR clean-up plate using the plate shaker at 1800 rpm for 2 minutes. (If a plate-shaker is not available, pipetting up and down 10 times using a multi-channel pipet is an alternative method for mixing).
22. Incubate the PCR clean-up plate at room temperature for 2 minutes.
23. Return the PCR clean-up plate to the magnet for 2 minutes until the supernatant is clear.
24. Label a new PCR plate as “NucleoMag bead cleaned cpn60 amplicon”.
25. While the PCR clean-up plate is sitting on the magnet, use a multi-channel pipette to transfer 50 µl of supernatant from each well to the newly labelled plate. Change the tips in between the samples. If the beads get disturbed during the pipetting process, wait until they settle.
26. Evaluate the cpn60 amplicons by running a randomly selected subset of NucleoMag cleaned amplicons in a 1% agarose gel. If there is a ~680 bp amplicon observed in the samples with the absence of primer dimers (Fig. 2), proceed to the index PCR step or store the plate at -20 °C for up to 1 week.
C. Index PCR
(From the Illumina 16S metagenomics sequencing library preparation protocol, Part #15044223)
1. Assign the indexes against the samples using Illumina Experimental Manager software and print the template (Fig. 3)
2. Bring the index primers, KAPA HiFi HotStart Ready Mix and the NucleoMag cleaned amplicon plate from Step B-25 to room temperature.
3. Vortex the index primers and centrifuge briefly to settle. Arrange the index primers in the True Seq Index Plate Fixture as shown in the template in Fig. 3.
4. Label a fresh 96-well PCR plate as “Index PCR”.
5. Transfer 5 µl of each cleaned cpn60 PCR product to the index PCR plate using a multi-channel pipet.
6. Store the remaining NucleoMag bead cleaned indexed cpn60 amplicons at -20 °C.
7. Add 5 µl of Nextera XT Index primer 1 (Nxxx) to the appropriate wells according to the Illumina Experimental Manager Template (Fig. 3). Re-cap the index primer tube with a new orange cap provided with the index kit.
8. Add 5 µl of Nextera XT Index primer 2 (Sxxx) to the appropriate wells according to the Illumina Experimental Manager Template (Fig. 3). Re-cap the index primer tube with a new white cap provided with the index kit.
9. Add 25µl of 2x KAPA HiFi HotStart Ready Mix each well.
10. Add a sufficient volume of molecular biology grade water to a reagent reservoir (10 µL/well).
11. Add 10 µl of molecular biology grade water to each well using a multi-channel pipette, pipetting up and down 10 times to mix.
12. Cover the plate with a PCR plate sealer.
13. Centrifuge the plate at 1000 x g for 1 minute at room temperature.
14. Place the PCR plate in the thermocycler.
15. Run the Index PCR program:
5 min at 95 °C
8 cycles of 30 sec at 95 °C, 30 sec at 55 °C and 30 sec at 72 °C
5 min at 72 °C
Hold at 4°C
D. Index PCR clean-up
1. After completion of the index PCR program, centrifuge the index PCR plate at 1000 x g for I minute at room temperature.
2. Transfer 50 µl of indexed PCR product from the index PCR plate to a fresh 96-well deepwell plate (PCR clean-up plate) using a multi-channel pipette.
3. Calculate the total volume of NucleoMag beads needed (32.5µl per sample).
4. Vortex the NucleoMag beads for 1 minute to resuspend and then add the required amount of NucleoMag beads to a reagent reservoir.
5. Add 32.5µl of NucleoMag beads to each well using a multi-channel pipette, changing tips between samples.
6. Seal the PCR clean-up plate with a foil sealer and shake it in the plate shaker at 1800 rpm for 2 minutes. (Pipetting up and down 10 times using a multi-channel pipet is the alternative method in the absence of a plate shaker)
7. Incubate the plate at room temperature for 5 minutes to allow the amplicons to bind to the beads.
8. Put the PCR clean-up plate on the magnetic stand for 2 minutes until the supernatant is clear.
9. While the PCR clean-up plate is sitting on the magnet, use a multi-channel pipette to remove the supernatant. Change tips between samples. If the beads get disturbed during the pipetting process, wait until they settle. Never throw away beads.
10. Add sufficient volume of freshly prepared 80% ethanol to a reagent reservoir (200 µL/well).
11. While the PCR clean-up plate is sitting on the magnet, add 200µl of 80% ethanol to each well using a multi-channel pipette.
12. Incubate the PCR clean-up plate on the magnetic stand for 30 seconds.
13. While the PCR clean-up plate is sitting on the magnet, carefully remove the supernatant using a muti-channel pipette.
14. Perform a second wash by repeating steps 11-13.
15. While the PCR clean-up plate is sitting on the magnet, use a P20 tip remove all the residual ethanol. Change tips between wells.
16. Leave the PCR-clean up plate on the magnet for 10 minutes to dry the beads.
17. Add sufficient volume of 10 mM Tris pH 8.5 to a reagent reservoir (27.5 µL.well).
18. To elute the indexed amplicons from the beads, remove the PCR clean-up plate from the magnet and add 27.5 µl of 10mM Tris pH 8.5 to each well using a multi-channel pipette.
19. Seal PCR clean-up plate using a foil plate sealer.
20. Shake PCR clean-up plate using the plate shaker at 1800 rpm for 2 minutes. (If a plate-shaker is not available, pipetting up and down 10 times using a multi-channel pipet is an alternative method for mixing).
21. Incubate PCR clean-up plate at room temperature for 2 minutes.
22. Place the PCR clean-up plate on the magnet for 2 minutes until the supernatant is clear.
23. Label a new PCR plate as “NucleoMag bead cleaned indexed cpn60 amplicon” and the date.
24. While the PCR clean-up plate is sitting on the magnet, transfer 25 µl of supernatant to the newly labelled plate using a multi-channel pipette and changing tips between samples. If the beads get disturbed during the pipetting process, wait until they settle.
25. Evaluate the indexed cpn60 PCR product by running a randomly selected subset of NucleoMag cleaned indexed cpn60 amplicons in a 1% agarose gel (see Fig. 2). Alternatively, dilute selected amplicon libraries 1:50 and assess on a Bioanalyzer DNA High Sensitivity DNA chip (Fig. 4). If there is a ~730 bp amplicon observed with the absence of primer dimers (~200 bp), proceed immediately to the library quantification and pooling step (E) or store the cleaned-up indexed PCR products at -20 °C for up to 1 week.
E. Library Quantification, Normalization and Pooling
1. Bring the NucleoMag bead cleaned indexed cpn60 amplicon libraries from D to room temperature.
2. Determine the concentration of each amplicon library using the Qubit ds BR kit.
3. Determine the indexed PCR product size from the Bioanalyzer results from step D-25
4. Calculate the DNA concentration in nM using the below formula as shown in Illumina 16S metagenomics sequencing library preparation protocol:
library concentration in nM = [(DNA concentration or Qubit value in ng/µl) x 106 ] / (660 g/mol x 748)
5. Adjust the concentration of each library to 4 nM with 10mM Tris pH 8.5 in 1.7 ml microcentrifuge tubes.
6. Store the remaining Indexed bead cleaned cpn60 amplicons at -20 °C.
6. Label a 1.7 ml microfuge tube as PAL (pooled amplicon library)
7. Add 5 µl from each diluted library to the PAL tube.
8. Follow the “Library Denaturation and MiSeq sample loading” section of the Illumina 16S metagenomics sequencing library preparation protocol. A 10 pM library with 5% phiX is recommended.