Library preparation:
Any plasmid can be used as template, as the variants are tagged via PCR. In this case, we used pASK-IBA63b+. After UMI-tagging, it is useful to switch to a different acceptor plasmid that has an alternative selection marker to eliminate the transfer of non-tagged variants. We used pRSFDuet-1 with kanamycin resistance for this purpose. To prepare the sequencing input, the tagged variants are excised from the plasmid with restriction sites that were introduced on the primers. In this protocol, the PCR annealing temperature is given according to the primers used (see below) and the PCR extension time is given according to the gene length in this study (~1.1 kb). Both parameters can be adjusted to suit other experiments.
Primers used here:
Name Sequence
All steps are performed in parallel for each experiment-specific reaction until sequencing. In this case, the pools of variants from three rounds of evolution are treated in parallel with experiment-specific barcodes.
1) Attaching the UMI and an experiment-specific barcode to the pooled variants
• Prepare UMI tagging reaction in one PCR tube per experiment (e.g. each round of evolution):
25 µl Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix
2.5 µl Forward primer: F_BC
2.5 µl Reverse primer: R_UMI
500 ng Template DNA (Variant plasmid pool)
to 50 µl Nuclease-free water
PCR Program:
98 °C 1 min
98 °C 10 s | 2 cycles
60 °C 30 s |
72 °C 1 min |
72 °C 5 min
4 °C Hold
• Purify PCR reaction with the Zymo Clean & Concentrator-5 according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Elute DNA in 10 µl elution buffer.
• Limited amplification PCR
25 µl Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix
2.5 µl Forward primer: F_gibson
2.5 µl Reverse primer: R_gibson
250 ng Template DNA (purified PCR reaction from previous step)
to 50 µl Nuclease-free water
PCR Program:
98 °C 1 min
98 °C 10 s | 5-15 cycles
60 °C 30 s |
72 °C 1 min |
72 °C 5 min
4 °C Hold
• Purify each reaction via agarose gel extraction and clean-up with the Zymo Clean & Concentrator‑5. Elute in 10 µl elution buffer.
2) Sub-cloning to restrict molecule diversity via Gibson assembly and transformation.
• Prepare acceptor plasmid via digestion
3 µl 10X FastDigest Green Buffer
1 µg Acceptor plasmid (pRSFDuet-1)
1 µl FastDigest BamHI
1 µl FastDigest KpnI
to 30 µl Nuclease-free water
PCR Program:
37 °C 60 min
80 °C 5 min
• Purify linearized acceptor plasmid via agarose gel extraction and clean-up with the Zymo Clean & Concentrator-5
• Prepare the Gibson assembly of the tagged variants from step 1 and the acceptor plasmid for each reaction.
100 ng Linearized acceptor plasmid
100 ng Tagged variants (~3-fold molar excess over plasmid)
10 µl Gibson Assembly Master Mix (2X)
to 20 µl Nuclease-free water
PCR Program:
50 °C 60 min
• Purify with Zymo Clean & Concentrator-5. Elute in 10 µl nuclease-free water.
• Transform 25 µl electrocompetent E. cloni 10G ELITE with 5 µl of the purified Gibson assembly for each reaction. Plate a dilution series.
3) Isolation of linear, amplified and tagged molecules
• Select number of colonies:
This determines the number of final consensus sequences that will be generated. Here, 500-1000 variants were obtained during each round of evolution. To achieve at least 3-fold oversampling, 3000 colonies were selected.
• Scrape the selected number of colonies off the transformation plates with the help of ~2 ml PBS, pellet the cells and perform plasmid isolation (GeneJET Miniprep Kit).
• Digest the isolated plasmids to receive the tagged variant sequences for each reaction
5 µl 10X FastDigest Green Buffer
3 µg Plasmid isolation from the previous step
2 µl FastDigest BamHI
2 µl FastDigest KpnI
to 50 µl Nuclease-free water
PCR Program:
37 °C 60 min
80 °C 5 min
• Purify the tagged insert via agarose gel extraction and clean-up with the Zymo Clean & Concentrator-5. Elute in 100 µl elution buffer.
• Purify again with AMPure XP SPRI beads. Elute in 25 µl nuclease-free water.
4) Nanopore sequencing
• Pool purified tagged fragments equimolarly per barcoded-reaction to a final content of 200 fmol DNA in 47 µl nuclease-free water.
• Follow instructions for further library preparation and sequencing with ONT’s Ligation Sequencing Kit (SQK-LSK109).
• Run the sequencing until 100X* expected coverage is reached. Here, 3000 colonies were selected in three barcoded experiments, which thus corresponds to 9000 unique fragments after isolation. The tagged fragment length is ~1250 bp, thus sequencing is run until at least 9000 * 100 = 900,000 reads or 9000 * 100 * 1250 ≈ 1.1 Gb are sequenced.
Generation of accurate consensus sequences:
Tools made for this study are made available as Python scripts, hosted on GitHub ( Additionally, an example is provided on GitHub, showing the core steps based on a small dataset in detail. Some settings, such as the length filtering, have to be adjusted from experiment to experiment. Here, the expected read length was ~1250 bp.
· Raw and basecalled nanopore reads (fast5 / fastq)
· List of barcodes for demultiplexing (fasta)
· Probe sequence for UMI extraction (fasta)
1) Quality control and read filtering
• Plot sequencing metrics for quality control: Visualize read quality and length distribution to find suitable thresholds for filtering.
$NanoPlot -summary sequencing_summary.txt -o nanoplot_folder --drop_outliers
• Filter sequences based on length and average read quality: In our case, the quality filtering was stringent – approximately 25% of all reads were discarded during filtering.
$cat merged.fastq | NanoFilt -q 10 --length 1200 --maxlength 1300 > filtered.fastq
2) Demultiplex reads belonging to different experiments
• Demultiplex the experiment specific barcodes, here to separate the three rounds of evolution. The barcode sequences were taken from the PCR Barcoding Expansion Pack 1-96 (EXP-PBC096).
$porechop -i filtered.fastq -b demultiplexed_folder --barcode_threshold 65 --barcode_diff 10 --end_threshold 100 --no_split -v 1 --untrimmed
Alternative: As porechop is officially unsupported as of October 2018, demultiplexing was integrated into a helper script. A list of barcodes for demultiplexing must be supplied (fasta), as well as the basecalled reads (fastq) and alignment thresholds.
$python demultiplex --barcodes barcodes.fasta --input filtered.fastq --threshs 22 29 --output demultiplexed_folder
3) Extraction and clustering of UMIs
• UMI extraction: To extract the UMI, a probe sequence must be supplied (fasta). This probe sequence should be a short constant region (e.g. 50 bp) next to the UMI, i.e. a part of the reference gene. Extraction will copy the sequence next to the probe into a new file. The following steps are run individually for each of the demultiplexed experiments.
$python UMIextract --input demultiplexed.fastq --probe probe.fasta --umi_loc down --umi_len 65 --output ExtractedUMIs.fasta
• UMI clustering threshold approximation: To estimate a suitable clustering threshold, a threshold approximation can be run. The thresholds to test can be specified, e.g. as --steps 20 70 10, which will sample thresholds from 20 to 70 with a step width of 10. The script will output similarity histograms and a clustering test plot. In the similarity histogram, a randomly chosen UMI is aligned to all other UMI sequences and the resulting alignment scores are plotted as a histogram. Here, a lot of low alignment scores as well as few sequences with high alignment scores (a potential cluster) are expected. A suitable clustering threshold separates the two. The clustering test plot will provide clustering information (cluster size and similarity of sequences in a cluster) for clusters with each of the sampled thresholds. A suitable threshold is found when both metrics begin to saturate. In our experience, the clustering threshold will be close to the length of the UMI.
$python clustertest --input ExtractedUMIs.fasta --steps 20 70 10 --output UMIclustertest
• UMI clustering: Full clustering is performed with the previously determined threshold. The size threshold specifies the minimal size of a cluster to be written to file.
$python clusterfull --input ExtractedUMIs.fasta --reads demultiplexed.fastq –aln_thresh 60 --size_thresh 50 --output cluster_folder
3) Sequence polishing and calling of mutations with Nanopolish
• Each cluster file can now be used for signal level analysis with Nanopolish. Nanopolish will be run on each cluster file to generate the mutations of that cluster (.vcf). See the nanopolish documentation for details.
#Example nanopolish commands
$nanopolish index -d read_folder -s sequencing_summary.txt clusterfile.fasta
$minimap2 -ax map-ont reference.fasta clusterfile.fasta | samtools sort -o clustermap.bam -T map.tmp
$samtools index clustermap.bam
$nanopolish variants --consensus -q dam,dcm -o mutations.vcf -r clusterfile.fasta -b clustermap.bam -g reference.fasta
To automate the execution of nanopolish on each cluster file, the UMIC-seq_helper script can generate a shell script performing the command on all cluster files. A list of cluster filenames needs to be provided, it can be generated e.g. with $ls *.fasta > clusterfiles_list.txt. The commands that should be run on each cluster are provided as a text file, with a keyword to be replaced by each cluster file name, e.g. clusterfile.fasta replaced by keyword in the example commands above.
#Generate the shell script
$python generateSH --input clusterfiles_list.txt --output --arguments arguments.txt --keyword keyword
#Execute the generated shell script
$chmod +x
• To combine all mutations in all the individual vcf files into full length sequences in one multi-fasta file, the helper script can be run again. Additionally, filtering of mutations by support fraction can be performed.
#A list of filenames needs to be provided
$ls *.vcf > filenames.txt
#Run the helper script to extract and filter the mutations
$python vcf2fasta --input filenames.txt --output consensus_sequences.fasta --min_suppfrac 0.6 --reference reference.fasta
• Alternative: Run a quicker, but potentially less accurate consensus generation with medaka instead of nanopolish. Run the consensus mode on each cluster file.
$medaka_consensus -i clusterfile.fasta -d reference.fasta -o outdir -t threads -m r941_min_high