Antibody oligo (DS) conjugation
I. Preparing DS-PEGx-DBCO
1. Suspend DS oligos in ultra-pure water for a 1 mM concentration
2. Combine 20 µl of DS oligo (1 mM), 19 µl of ultra-pure water, and 8.5 µl of freshly made 1M NaHCO3. Vortex, then add 2.5 µl of desired DBCO-PEGx-NHS ester linker (DBCO-PEG12-NHS ester, DBCO-PEG4-NHS ester, or DBCO-Sulfo-NHS; 10 mM stocks in DMSO). Vortex and run reaction for 3 hours at room temperature with gentle shaking
3. Add 500 µl of 100% EtOH and 50 µl of 3M sodium acetate. Vortex, then leave in -80°C overnight
4. Spin for 30 min at ~20,000 g at 4°C
5. Remove supernatant, add 500 µl ETOH, vortex, and spin for 5 min at ~20,000 g in 4°C. Repeat 3 times
6. After the last wash, remove supernatant and add 50 µl of ultra-pure water, 100% EtOH and 50 µl of 3M sodium acetate. Vortex, then leave in -80°C overnight
7. Repeat DNA centrifugation and purification once as described earlier
8. Measure DS-PEG concentration with NanoDrop UV-Vis spectrophotometer and record ratio of absorbance values at 260 nm (for DNA) and 495 nm (for 6-FAM) or 550 nm (for Cy3™)
II. Preparing antibody-PEG4-azide
1. Mix 100 µl of antibody with 10 µl of freshly made 1 M NaHCO3
2. Add azido-PEG4-NHS in 100x molar excess (around 1 µl if using 100 mM stocks in DMSO)
3. Vortex and run reaction for 3 hours at room temperature with gentle shaking
4. Flow antibody-PEG4-azide conjugates through a 50 kDa size exclusion column and wash with PBS 15 times on the column via centrifugation. Centrifuge at 4°C, 6000 g, 2.5 minutes each spin
5. After the final wash, there should be at least 90 µl of antibody-azide remaining
III. Making antibody-(PEG)4+x-DS
1. Add DS-PEGx-DBCO in 5x molar excess to the antibody-azide conjugate. Vortex and run reaction overnight at room temperature with gentle shaking
2. Add 0.1% sodium azide to quench reaction (at ~1:10 v/v ratio to the reaction mixture)
3. After one hour, flow antibody-DS conjugates through a 100 kDa size exclusion column and wash with PBS 5 times on the column via centrifugation. Centrifuge at 4°C, 6000 g, 2.5 minutes each spin. The final product (antibody-PEG4+x-DS) should be suspended in ~90 µl PBS
4. Measure antibody concentration with NanoDrop UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Calculate DOL using peak absorbance values at 280 nm (for DNA), 495 nm (for 6-FAM) or 550 nm (for Cy3™), correcting for DNA absorbance contribution at 260 nm
Imaging strand conjugation
1. Make a 10 mg/ml stock of CF®660R Succinimidyl Ester (or another NHS-ester of another dye of choice) in DMSO; store as aliquots and keep at -80°C
2. Add 5 µl of IS oligo (1 mM) to 40.5 µl of freshly made 0.1 M NaHCO3. Vortex, then add 4.5 µl of dye (10 mg/ml). Vortex and run reaction for 3 hours at room temperature with gentle shaking
3. Add 500 µl of 100% EtOH and 50 µl of 3M sodium acetate. Vortex, then leave in -80°C overnight
4. Spin for 30 min at ~20,000 g at 4°C
5. Remove supernatant, add 500 µl ETOH, vortex, and spin for 5 min, ~20,000 g, 4°C. Repeat 3 times
6. After the last wash, remove supernatant and dry pellet. Add 20 µl of ultra-pure water to the final product
7. Measure IS concentration with NanoDrop UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Calculate DOL using 260 nm and 660 nm absorbance values
Sample preparation
I. Tissue culture
1. Maintain U2OS cells in Gibco DMEM + 10% FBS and passage every three to four days
2. Grow cells overnight on 8-well chambered coverglass in phenol red-free DMEM for 50-60% confluency the next day
II. immunostaining of unextracted U2OS cells
3. For immunostaining of clathrin or caveolin, quickly wash cells with PBS 1x and then fix with cold 3.7% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in 1x PHEM buffer. Recipe for 2x PHEM buffer: 0.06M PIPES, 0.025M HEPES, 0.01M EGTA, 0.008M MgSO4 in distilled water, with pH adjusted to 7 with 10M potassium hydroxide
4. After two PBS washes, quench with freshly made 0.1% sodium borohydride in PBS for 7 minutes
5. Wash with PBS 3 times and permeabilize with 0.5% saponin in PBS for 20 minutes
6. For immunostaining of microtubules, fix cells with 3.7% PFA and 0.1% glutaraldehyde (GA) in 1x PHEM for 20 min before quenching with sodium borohydride and permeabilization in 0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS.
7. Block in 5% BSA in PBS for 30 minutes on a gentle rocker
8. Incubate with the primary antibodies for clathrin, caveolin, or tubulin antibody (0.5 mg/mL or 1:200 dilution from stock) in PBS buffer containing 3% BSA and 5% salmon sperm DNA. Let incubation take place on a rocker at room temperature for 1 hour
9. Wash with PBS (3x, 5 minutes each) before incubation with DS-conjugated secondary antibody at a final concentration of ~8 µg/ml in PBS buffer containing 3% BSA and 5% salmon sperm DNA. Let incubation take place on a rocker at room temperature for 1 hour. Keep sample in the dark from here on out
10. Wash with PBS (3x, 5 minutes each)
III. Immunostaining of extracted samples
1. For immunostaining in extracted samples (microtubules alone, or microtubules co-labeled with clathrin), pre-permeabilize cells with cold 0.1% Triton X-100 in 1x PHEM buffer for 45 seconds. Then fix with 3.7% PFA in 1x PHEM for 20 minutes
2. After two PBS washes, quench with freshly made 0.1% sodium borohydride in PBS for 7 minutes
3. For microtubule single staining, follow procedure described earlier for unextracted samples
4. For co-stained samples, further permeablize the cells and block with 3% BSA and 0.2% Triton X-100 for 1 hour
5. Label cells with beta-tubulin as described earlier, postfix with 3.7% PFA for 10 minutes, and then stain for clathrin as described earlier.
IV. Post-fixation and final preparations for imaging
1. For all cell staining procedures, post-fix for 10 minutes with 3.7% PFA and 0.1% GA in 1x PHEM
2. Before imaging, add 150 µl of 2.5% 50 nm gold particles in PBS+ to cells for 10 minutes. Wash with PBS
3. Add imaging buffer with desired ratios of Buffer C (500 mM), ethylene carbonate, and IS-CF660R at 1-2 nM final concentration. The exact concentration of IS may need to be adjusted depending on the target and based on the imaging kinetics.
Image acquisition and analysis
1. Image acqusition should be done accordingly to the configurations of the microscope system used. Here we describe procedures for operating a custom single-molecule superresolution setup based on a Nikon Ti-U microscope frame. Specifics of a custom superresolution setup can be found in the 'Equipment' section
2. Image analysis and reconstruction for DNA-PAINT could also be performed with custom software including those in the public domain5. Here we describe . More details can be found in our recent publication by Nickerson et al.6
3. Turn on the microscope, lasers and EMCCD camera. Select 60x Apochromat TIRF objective with 1.49NA and mount the sample by applying index matching oil between the objective and sample
4. Open the laser shutter and bring the sample to focus
5. Adjust TIRF angle such that desired penetration depth is reached
5. Initially set the exposure time (30-50 ms), laser power (~500 W/cm2), EMCCD gain (200-300), and adjust these parameters as necessary depending on the single-molecule brightness and localization kinetics
6. Engage the auto-focus system and start the acquisition using micromanager7 or another acquisition software of choice
7. Extract the localizations, sorting, and rendering by using in-house Matlab scripts6