- Maintenance of feeder-free (FF) hiPSC
• hiPSC are cultured on vitronectin in Essential 8™ (E8) medium and are passaged every 4–5 days using EDTA.
• For passaging hiPSC, coat wells of a 6-well plate by diluting 60 μl of vitronectin in 6 ml DPBS (1:100 dilution) and adding 1 ml of diluted vitronectin solution per well and keep it at room temperature (RT) for 1 hour.
• Aspirate medium and rinse with 3–4 ml DPBS per well, add 1 ml of 0.5 mM EDTA and incubate for 7 minutes at RT.
• Aspirate the EDTA solution and add 2 ml of pre-warmed E8 medium.
• Remove cells by gently squirting medium and pipetting the colonies with a 5 ml serological pipette. Avoid the generation of bubbles.
• Aspirate the residual vitronectin solution from the pre-coated dish and add 2 ml of pre-warmed E8 medium.
• Mix the cell suspension by gently inverting several times, then transfer the appropriate volume into each well containing pre-warmed E8 medium according to the desired split ratio.
• Gently place the plate into a 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator.
• No media change should be performed after the day of passage. Afterwards, replace medium daily (2–2.5 ml per well).
• Cultures should be checked regularly for Mycoplasma contamination and the presence of genomic abnormalities.
- [Optional step] Differentiation day –2: DMSO pre-treatment
• Two days prior to starting neural differentiation, and one day prior to spheroid formation, pre-treat hiPSC with 1% DMSO (120 μl per 12 ml of E8 medium for one 100 mm culture dish).
• This stage is optional, and based on ref (4).
- Differentiation day –1: Generation of 3D spheroids from hPSC maintained in FF
• To generate spheroids, passage hPSC from a 6-well to a 100 mm culture dish, and culture them to 80–90% confluency.
• Pre-warm E8 medium, Accutase, and DMEM/F-12 at RT. Supplement E8 medium with the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 (1:1000) to a final concentration of 10 μM.
• To remove air bubbles from the AggreWell plate, add 1 ml per well of E8 supplemented with Y-27632 and centrifuge at 2,000 x g for 5 minutes in a swinging bucket rotor that is fitted with a plate holder. Check under the microscope to ensure bubbles have been removed from microwells. Set the plate in an incubator while preparing the single cell suspensions of hPSC.
• Aspirate maintenance medium from the hPSC plates and rinse cells twice with DPBS (no calcium, no magnesium).
• Add 4 ml of Accutase per 100 mm culture plate and incubate for 7 minutes at 37°C, in a 5% CO2 incubator.
• Add pre-warmed E8 medium up to 10 ml volume and centrifuge the cell suspension at 200 x g for 4 minutes. Resuspend the pellet with E8 medium and count cell number.
• Centrifuge the cell suspension at 200 x g for 4 minutes. Resuspend the pellet with pre-warmed EB medium supplemented with Y-27632 to obtain 3 million cells per 1 ml of medium.
• Add 1 ml of this cell suspension to the previously prepared AggreWell plate, which contains 1 ml of E8 medium. Each well of AggreWell™800 plate contains 300 microwells, and one microwell will have 10,000 cells.
• Centrifuge the AggreWell™800 plate at 100 x g for 3 minutes to distribute the cells in the microwells and incubate for 24 hours at 37°C, in a 5% CO2 incubator.
- Differentiation day 0: Dislodging and harvesting aggregated spheroids
• Harvest the hPSC-derived spheroids from the microwells by firmly pipetting the medium in the well up and down with a 1 ml plastic tip that has been cut.
• Place a 40 μm strainer on a 50 ml conical tube and pass the suspension of spheroids through the strainer.
• Pipette 1 ml of DMEM/F-12 medium across the entire surface of the well to dislodge any remaining spheroids. Collect the spheroids and pass over the strainer as described. Repeat this step 3–5 times.
• Invert the strainer, and place over a new 50 ml conical tube. Collect the spheroids by washing with Essential 6™ (E6) medium for neural induction.
• Observe the AggreWell™800 plate under the microscope to ensure that all aggregates have been removed from the wells. Repeat wash if necessary.
- Neural induction and differentiation
• Harvested spheroids are placed in ultra-low attachment 100 mm plates in E6 medium supplemented with 2.5 μM Dorsomorphin (DM) and 10 μM SB-431542 (SB). Optionally, 2.5 μM XAV-939 (XAV) can be added for the first five days. Media changes are performed daily, except for day 1.
• On day 6, E6 medium containing DM and SB is replaced with neural medium (NM) supplemented with EGF2 (20 ng/ml) and FGF2 (20 ng/ml) for the 19 days with daily medium change in the first 10 days, and every other day medium changes for the subsequent 9 days.
• To promote differentiation of the progenitors, FGF2 and EGF are replaced with 20 ng/ml BDNF and 20 ng/ml NT-3 starting at day 25 (with media changes every other day).
• From day 43 onwards only NM without growth factors is used for medium changes every four days or as needed.
For additional experimental details, applications and troubleshooting, see ref (3).