100x Tris-EDTA buffer, pH 8 (Sigma, T9285)
Trizma HCL (Sigma T3253) MW 157.60
Trizma base (Sigma T6066) MW 121.14
NaCl (Sigma 793566) MW 58.44
Sucrose (refined granulated sugar; NB check for vegetable particles, e.g. in cane sugar) MW 342.30
Tween-20 (Sigma P1379)
NaN3 (Sigma 71290) MW 65.01
Bovine Serum Albumin (Sigma A2153) NB may substituted with gelatin.
Trehalose (Sigma 90210) MW 378.33
Glycerol (Sigma G9012)
N-propyl gallate (Sigma P3130) MW 212.20
N,N-dimethylformamide (Sigma D4551)
Phosphate buffered saline, tablets (Sigma P4417)
2-mercaptoethanol (Sigma M6250) MW 78.13
Sodium dodecyl sulphate, dust-free pellets (Sigma 74255)
DAPI dihydrochloride (D9542 Sigma) MW 350.25
Primary unconjugated antibodies (see attached table “Primary antibodies”)
Fluorochrome-conjugated secondary antibodies (see attached table “Secondary antibodies”)
Purified immunoglobulins (see attached table “Immunoglobulins”)
Washing Buffer (TBS-Ts) pH 7.5 stock solution 10X 1000ml
Tris-Buffered Saline - Tween20 sucrose
63,5 g Trizma HCL (403 mM)
11,8 g Trizma base (97.4 mM)
90 g NaCl (1.54 M)
342,3 g Sucrose (1 M)
2 ml Tween-20
NaN3 0,1%
1000ml Distilled H2O
Dilute in distilled water 1:10 to 1X before use.
NB: do not use this buffer for Peroxidase-based IHC because the NaN3 will inhibit the reaction. OK for AP-based IHC.
What these chemical are there for? Tris is for buffering the solution; Salt is to weaken non-specific molecular interactions; Tween-20 is to reduce surface tension and evenly wet the slide, preventing section margin drying; sucrose is to prevent dehydration [6]
Antibody diluent 1x (100ml):
2 g BSA
90 ml Distilled H2O
50 mg or 1 ml NaN3 5% (stock)
3,8 g Trehalose (100mM)
10 ml TBS 10X
NB: Dissolve the BSA in distilled water first; then add the other chemicals.
Mounting fluid
100ml 60% glycerol / 40% distilled water x DAPI
60 ml Glycerol
10 ml PBS 10x pH 7.5
10 ml Sucrose saturated (200 g in 100 ml dist., 5.84M)
20 ml Distilled H2O
Add 0,2% n-propyl gallate from a 20% stock solution, prepared by dissolving the compound in N,N-dimethylformamide (store at -20C)
N.B.: Other (hardening) mounting media cause antigen re-masking[3]
To dissolve DAPI, use DAPI dihydrochloride (D9542 Sigma, 1 mg size, 2.85 µM) [carcinogen!]. Resuspend in 285 µl of Dimethylformamide (DMF). [You can skip DMF and proceed directly with Methanol by adjusting the molarity accordingly. Contributed by R.Perego's lab]. The solution (DAPI 10 mM) will be turbid and yellow. Mix equal volumes of DAPI in DMF and "methanol": : the solution (DAPI 5 mM) will become clear transparent.
Dilute to 2-10 µM in either TBS-Ts or mounting fluid.
NB: concentrations above 10 µM on FFPE material will be A) unmanageable for exposure (too short), B) DAPI signal will bleed into the Autofluorescence, FITC, and TRITC filters ( in order).
Stripping buffer
100ml 2x
20 ml SDS 10%
12,5 ml Tris HCl pH6,8 (0,5M)
67,5 ml Distilled H2O
0,8 ml 2-mercaptoethanol
Dilute 1:1 with distilled water
NB: Work under a fume hood
Storage Buffer (Glycerol 50%):
100ml 1x
50 ml glycerol (Sigma G9012)
10 ml Tris buffer 10x pH 7.5
10 ml 50% sucrose (half-saturated solution; 5%=300mM).
30 ml Distilled H2O
NaN3 100x (5%) stock solution
12,5 mg NaN3
250 ml distilled H2O
50% Saturated Sucrose
100 ml Distilled H2O
100 g sucrose
0.5% NaN3