A method to annotate kinase domains in nematodes and platyhelminths by using dynamic thresholds for different kinase groups.
Method Article
Kinase annotation for helminths
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A method to annotate kinase domains in nematodes and platyhelminths by using dynamic thresholds for different kinase groups.
kinase annotation
genome annotation
kinase domain
Kinases are one of the most common types of targets for existing drugs for human diseases1 and are considered strong candidates for the development of new ones. This method was developed to annotate kinase domains in the gene sets of nematodes and platyhelminths by aligning to the Kinomer profile database2 using carefully considered scoring thresholds specific to each kinase group.
A set of annotated kinase genes with the corresponding domain annotations
Santos, R. et al. A comprehensive map of molecular drug targets. Nat Rev Drug Discov 16, 19-34, doi:10.1038/nrd.2016.230 (2017).
Kinomer URL: "http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/kinomer/allPK.hmm":http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/kinomer/allPK.hmm
Diego Miranda-Saavedra and Geoffrey J. Barton, Classification and functional annotation of eukaryotic protein kinases. Proteins 68:893-914 (2007)
This protocol has been posted on Protocol Exchange, an open repository of community-contributed protocols sponsored by Nature Portfolio. These protocols are posted directly on the Protocol Exchange by authors and are made freely available to the scientific community for use and comment.
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