Lentivirus preparation ● TIMING ~1 week
-Generate and titer the FosB, Gfi1, Runx1, Spi1 lentiviral particles. The method for lentiviral production that we use is described in10. Although alternative methods may be used to generate lentivirus, we cannot guarantee similar results of efficacy in the reprogramming platform described herein.
\! CAUTION: This and all subsequent steps in which cells or viruses are manipulated should be conducted in a tissue culture hood, and waste products should be disposed of properly.
Adult murine endothelial cell isolation ● TIMING ~3 weeks
- Anesthetize mice with a mixture of O2 and Isothesia isoflurane \(Henry Schein #1169567761) with an isoflurane vaporizer and anesthesia chamber \(Summit Anesthesia Solutions). Turn the vaporizer knob to 4 and set the flow rate to 3 L.min-1. Allow 3-5 min until mice are completely anesthetized.
\! CAUTION: This step should be accepted and conducted in accordance to your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocol.
- Inject 25 micrograms of anti VE-Cadherin-AF647 antibody retro-orbitally in 8–10 weeks old Runx1-rtTA mice and return mice to their cages for 8 min.
\! CAUTION: This step should be accepted and conducted in accordance to your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocol.
- Sacrifice mice by CO2, harvest selected organs in ice cold PBS.
\! CAUTION: This step should be accepted and conducted in accordance to your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocol.
- Wash the organs twice in ice cold PBS to get rid of the excess of blood.
- Mince organs and incubate with Dispase/Collagenase/DNAse mix at 37°C on an orbital shaker \(250 rpm) for 20–30 min to create a single cell suspension.
- Wash twice with mouse EC media.
- Wash twice with PBS 5mM EDTA 1%BSA.
- Re-suspend your cells in PBS 5mM EDTA 1%BSA and filter through a 40μm filter \(BD Bioscience, #352340) immediately prior to counter stain.
- Block single cell suspension with an antibody against CD16/32 for 5 minutes on ice.
- Stain single cell with anti-mouse CD31-PE-Cy7, anti-mouse ter119-BV421 and anti-mouse CD45-PE for 30 minutes.
- Wash twice with 5mM EDTA 1%BSA
- Re-suspend your cell in 5mM EDTA 1%BSA 300nM DAPI, and proceed to cell sorting.
- Haematopoietic and erythroid cells were removed via CD45 and TER119 gate exclusion, and living adult mouse ECs were defined and sorted as VEcad+CD31+CD45-ter119-DAPI-. All cells are interrogated by examining FSC-H and FSC-W in order to discern single cells from two or more cells in close proximity to each other. Repeated by comparing SSC-H to SSC-W, to ensure that only ECs are collected without perivascular, lymphatic ECs, and hematopoietic cells cell contamination. Adult murine ECs are sorted with BD SORP FACS ARIA2 at 25psi, using 100 micron nozzle.
• Critical point: on BD FACSARIA2 flow rate should not exceed 5.0 to maximize adult endothelial cell viability.
- Sort 250,000 to 300,000 adult murine EC per well of fibronectin-coated twelve plate, in 250µl of mouse EC media.
• Critical point: Following cell sorting, centrifuge plates at 750 rpm for 5 min, carefully aspirate media and add 1ml of free EC media per well.
- Culture purified adult mouse EC cultures on fibronectin-coated plates in EC growth media in a humidified incubator at 37°C, 5%CO2, 5%02.
Isolation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells \(HUVECs) and generation of vascular niche ECs \(HUVEC-E4ORF1). ● TIMING ~3 weeks
- Isolate primary HUVECs as described11,12 and cultured in EC growth medium.
- Transduce primary HUVECs with E4ORF1 gene \(serotype 5) as described in13 and culture them in human EC media in a humidified incubator at 37°C, 5%CO2, 5%02.
In vitro conversion of adult murine ECs into haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells \(rEC-HSPC). ● TIMING ~5 weeks
- Isolate adult mouse Runx1-rtTA ECs in mouse EC media as described and seed 250,000 to 300,000 cells on one well of fibronectin coated twelve plate. Grow to 90% confluency and expand until ECs cover six wells of a six well plate in mouse EC media.
• Critical point: refresh mouse EC media \(containing 5 μM SB431542) every 2 days, and maintain at 5%O2 to prevent EC to mesenchymal transition. Inability to prevent EC to mesenchymal transition will lead to poor conversion process.
- Check for any contaminating CD45+ contaminating cells in your adult mouse Runx1-rtTA ECs by flow cytometry.
• Critical point: Proceed to an extra sort by flow cytometry to exclude any CD45+ contaminating cells from your adult mouse Runx1-rtTA ECs prior to transduction with FGRS.
- Expand the purified Runx1-rtTA ECs until ECs cover six wells of a six well plate in mouse EC media.
- Transduce Runx1-rtTA ECs with 10,000 picograms of FosB, Gfi1, Runx1, and Spi1 lentiviral particles / well in presence of 5µg of polybrene \(Sigma, TR-1003). Culture in mouse EC medium for 72 hours.
• Critical point: Check the phenotype of your isolated mouse ECs for CD31, VEcad and CD45 prior FGRS transduction. If VECad+CD31+CD45- Runx1-rtTA ECs represent less than 90% of the culture, restart the isolation process.
- Induce FGRS with doxycycline \(1µg/ml) for 48 hours in mouse EC medium \(add doxycycline every 24 hours).
- Plate HUVEC-E4ORF1 on a six well plate in human EC media and grow to 50% confluency.
- Harvest FGRS-transduced Runx1-rtTA ECs using accutase and plate onto 50% confluent HUVEC-E4ORF1 well of a 6 well in mouse EC media with doxycycline \(1µg/ml).
- Add doxycycline \(1µg/ml) every 24 hours for 28 days. Replace conversion media every 48 hours.
• Critical point: Converted haematopoietic cells grow in suspension, to avoid any loss of converting or converted cells, place the media in a 1.5ml eppendorf tube, spin down at 500g for 5min at 4°C, aspirate the supernatant, feed with 1ml of fresh conversion media, add back to the 6 well.
Primary and secondary transplantation of rEC-HSPCs. ● TIMING ~40 weeks
- On day 27 of conversion, lethally irradiate \(900 cGy) CD45.1+ congenic recipients using 137Cs gamma irradiation.
\! CAUTION: This step should be accepted and conducted in accordance to your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocol.
• Critical point: Maintain your transplanted recipient under sulfatrim for the first two weeks following transplantation.
- On day 28 of conversion, harvest rEC-HSPC and HUVEC-E4ORF1 using accutase and wash twice with PBS 5mM EDTA 1%BSA.
- Block single cell suspension with an antibody against CD16/32 for 5 minutes on ice.
- Stain single cell with anti-human CD31-BV421, anti-mouse VECad-A647, anti-mouse CD31-PE Cy7 and anti-mouse CD45-PE.
- Wash twice with 5mM EDTA 1%BSA
- Re-suspend your cells in 5mM EDTA 1%BSA 300nM DAPI, and proceed to cell sorting.
- HUVEC-E4ORF1 feeder cells were excluded via hCD31 gating. rEC-HSPC were defined and sorted as VEcad-mCD31-Runx1-GFP+CD45+DAPI-. All cells are interrogated by examining FSC-H and FSC-W to discern single cells from two or more cells in close vicinity. Repeated by comparing SSC-H to SSC-W, to ensure that only rEC-HSPCS are collected without HUVEC-E4ORF1 feeder cells. rEC-HSPCs are sorted with BD SORP FACS ARIA2 at 45psi, using 85-micron nozzle.
- Sort 800,000 VEcad-mCD31-Runx1-GFP+CD45+DAPI- per CD45.1 recipient injected.
- Inject retro-orbitally 800,000 VEcad-mCD31-Runx1-GFP+CD45+DAPI- into lethally irradiated CD45.1+ recipients. Maintain transplanted mice with moistened food and Sulfatrim for 14 days after transplant.
\! CAUTION: This step should be accepted and conducted in accordance to your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocol.
• Critical point: Maintain your transplanted recipient under sulfatrim for the first two weeks following transplantation.
- Determine multi-lineage engraftment every 4 weeks for 20 weeks by flow cytometry of peripheral blood using DAPI to discriminate dead cells.
- After 20 weeks, proceed to secondary transplantation, isolate whole bone marrow from primary engrafted mice and transplant retro-orbitally into lethally irradiated CD45.1+ recipients.
\! CAUTION: This step should be accepted and conducted in accordance to your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocol.
- Determine multi-lineage engraftment every 4 weeks for 20 weeks by flow cytometry of peripheral blood, using the aforementioned panel, using DAPi to discriminate dead cells.
Preparation of Peripheral Blood for staining. TIMING ~1.5 hours
- Collect blood in a heparinized tube and transfer to a tube with PBS 500 μl EDTA.
- Discard the supernatant and resuspend the cells in PBS 5mM EDTA 1%BSA at 2 x 106 cells per mL and proceed to cell staining. The following antibody panels were used.
Preparation of Spleen for staining. TIMING ~1.5 hours
- Sacrifice endpoint transplanted mice by CO2 suffocation, and harvest spleens in ice cold PBS.
\! CAUTION: This step should be accepted and conducted in accordance to your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocol.
- Slice the excised spleen into small pieces.
- Place the fragments onto a 40 µm strainer attached to a 50-mL conical tube.
- Press the excised spleen through the strainer using the plunger end of a syringe.
- Wash the cells through the strainer with ice cold PBS.
- Centrifuge the cell suspension at 500g for 5 minutes.
- Aspirate the supernatant.
- Discard the supernatant and resuspend the cells in PBS 5mM EDTA 1%BSA at 2 x 106 cells per mL and proceed to cell staining. The following antibody panels were used.
Preparation of BM for staining. TIMING ~1.5 hours
- Sacrifice endpoint transplanted mice by CO2 suffocation, and harvest spleens in ice cold PBS.
\! CAUTION: This step should be accepted and conducted in accordance to your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees protocol.
- Isolate whole bone marrow from femurs by mechanically denuding all muscle and connective tissue and crush in a sterile mortar and pestle and digested with 2.5 mg/ml Collagenase A \(Roche) and 1 unit/ml Dispase II \(Roche) in Hank’s balanced salt solution at 37°C for 30 min with gentle agitation.
- Filter the resulting cell suspension through a 0.45 μm cell strainer \(BD Falcon) to a obtain single-cell suspension and proceed to cell straining.
- Quantify haematopoietic stem cells by flow cytometry. Haematopoietic stem cells are defined as, and the following antibody combination was used: