Expected Behavior
The first time running MSFragger on a new protein database or set of search parameters with a given database, it will first perform an in-silico digestion, create, and cache the peptide index (in .pepindex files adjacent to where the FASTA database is stored). These pepindex files can be safely removed at any time and should be removed to free up disk space when a set of search parameters is no longer used
(MSFragger will automatically re-generate the index as needed).
The process begins with filtering and in-silico digestion subject to the digestion parameters.
See figure in Figures section.Followed by peptide sorting and de-duplication. The non-redundant set of peptides are then evaluated to generate the set of variably modified peptides (based on the specified variable modifications) which are then sorted by mass and stored.
See figure in Figures section.After peptide index generation is complete (or is read from disk in the below screenshot). MSFragger selects the fragment index bin width to use and estimates the memory available for fragment index storage based on the available memory (in this case, 8GB of memory was made available to the Java Virtual Machine, of which MSFragger estimates that 4976.67MB can be safely reserved for fragment index operations). It then computes the number of theoretical fragments to be generated for the entire index, the number of slices or iterations (in multi-pass searches when there is insufficient memory), and the total amount of memory represented by the entire fragment index. The fragment index is then generated, and a time is reported for the index generation time (at the end of each Operating on slice 1 of X: line, 4770 ms
below). If the maximum fragment slice size is very small compared to your desired amount of system memory or the number of slices is unexpectedly high, double check that the -Xmx flag is correctly set.
See figure in Figures section.Search begins and the current file is reported, along with the time needed to read and pre-process the MS/MS data, along with current search progress.
See figure in Figures section.At the completion of the search, a completed time is reported, and the results are written to disk in the same folder as the MS/MS data (if they are not in the same folder as your working directory). Note that there is a current bug that causes MSFragger to incorrectly display the average rate of matching at the conclusion of the run (although the total time can be divided by the total number of spectra to calculate this value).
Output Files
.fragtmp files
In cases of fragment index fragmentation (in limited memory scenarios), MSFragger will iteratively load each MS/MS run and search loaded spectra against the current index slice before working on the next index slice. The partial search results are then stored in these .fragtmp files. In the event that MSFragger is terminated in the middle of a search, it will recover its partial results using these
files. At the end of the last index slice, MSFragger will read all such .fragtmp files and generate an aggregated results file (identical to one that would be generated if it had the memory to search against all peptides in a single pass). These .fragtmp files are then automatically deleted. These can be safely removed if you no longer wish to continue an aborted search or if MSFragger somehow fails to remove them at the conclusion of a successful search.
Location: Same directory as MS/MS files
.pepindex files
MSFragger stores the computed peptide index in .pepindex files adjacent to the protein database files to remove the need to re-compute the index if search parameters are unchanged in subsequent runs. These .pepindex indices can be safely removed and MSFragger will re-compute the index again at runtime if needed.
Location: Same directory as protein database
Results Files (eg. .pep.xml, .tsv)
These are the pepXML or TSV output files containing the peptide identifications. The file extension is specified in the search parameters so specifying a .pep.xml extension with output_format = tsv will output .pep.xml files with TSV content.
Location: Same directory as MS/MS files
Interpretation of Output
For pepXML outputs, these can be used for downstream processing using PeptideProphet in TPP directly. For viewing of results or conversion to other peptide identification result formats for use in other pipelines or tools that do not support pepXML, we recommend first converting to the mzIdentML format using the tool idconvert as part of the ProteoWizard package. The pepXML generated by MSFragger validates against v 1.18 of the pepXML schema and should be compatible with any downstream tools supporting the pepXML format.
The order of the output fields in the TSV file produced by MSFragger are: ScanID, Precursor neutral mass (Da), Retention time (minutes), Precursor charge, Hit rank, Peptide Sequence, Upstream Amino Acid, Downstream Amino Acid, Protein, Matched fragment ions, Total possible number of matched theoretical fragment ions, Neutral mass of peptide (including any variable modifications) (Da), Mass difference, Number of tryptic termini, Number of missed cleavages, Variable modifications detected (starts with M, separated by |, formated as position,mass), Hyperscore, Next score, Intercept of expectation model (expectation in log space), Slope of expectation model (expectation in log space)