This protocol describes how to isolate exosomal RNA from cell culture supernatant by using the Qiagen ExoRNeasy Maxi kit.
Method Article
Isolation of exosomal RNA from cell culture supernatant using the Qiagen ExoRNeasy maxi kit
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This protocol describes how to isolate exosomal RNA from cell culture supernatant by using the Qiagen ExoRNeasy Maxi kit.
extracellular vesicles
cell culture supernatant
Extracellular RNAs (exRNAs) have been found to play an important role in intercellular communication in the body. exRNAs are present in biofluids, in complexes with lipoproteins and ribonucleoproteins, and in extracellular vesicles such as exosomes and microvesicles. Further study and characterization of exRNAs and their carriers could lead to identification of new biomarkers and have potential for development of novel therapeutics.
ExoRNeasy Maxi kit (Qiagen, 77064)
Chloroform (Sigma-Aldrich, 319988-500 mL)
100% ethanol (VWR, 89125-186)
Microfuge tubes, 1.5 mL
Phase lock gel tubes, 2 mL (VWR – 10847-802)
1 Spinning at 3,500 x g is acceptable if a 5,000 x g spin rate is not available on your tabletop centrifuge.
2 PLG makes separation of aqueous phase from the interface easier, and thus is particularly useful for large numbers of samples or less experienced personnel, but it is expensive.
3 The manufacturer’s protocol is for 8000 x g, but some labs have found that 1000 x g for the binding step gives better results.
4 After centrifugation, carefully remove the RNeasy MinElute spin column from the collection tube so that the column does not contact the flow-through. Otherwise, carryover of ethanol will occur.
5 To avoid damage to their lids, place the spin columns into the centrifuge with at least one empty position between columns. Orient the lids so that they point in a direction opposite to the rotation of the rotor (e.g., if the rotor rotates clockwise, orient the lids counterclockwise). It is important to dry the spin column membrane, since residual ethanol may interfere with downstream reactions. Centrifugation with the lids open ensures that no ethanol is carried over during RNA elution.
6 This volume was selected to match that of other kits to enable fair comparisons. As little as 10 μL RNase-free water can be used for elution if a higher RNA concentration is required, but the yield will be reduced by approximately 20%. Do not elute with less than 10 μL RNase-free water, as the spin column membrane will not be sufficiently hydrated. The dead volume of the RNeasy MinElute spin column is 2 μL: elution with 14 μL RNase-free water results in a 12 μL eluate.
7 Centrifuging at a low speed first helps the solvent wet the surface of the membrane prior to the full-speed centrifuging step. This results in a better yield / RNA recovery from the membrane.
This protocol was modified from the manufacturer's instructions for the Qiagen exoRNeasy maxi kit.
KD, BS and SD were supported by NIH grant UH3TR000901. SS and LL were supported by U01 HL126494 and UH3 TR000906. IY and TP were supported by UH3 TR000884.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
This protocol has been posted on Protocol Exchange, an open repository of community-contributed protocols sponsored by Nature Portfolio. These protocols are posted directly on the Protocol Exchange by authors and are made freely available to the scientific community for use and comment.
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