- Prepare BRB80 5x: 400 mM K-PIPES, 5 mM MgCl2, 5 mM EGTA, pH 6.85. Can be stored at 4°C (up to a week).
Δ Critical steps before the experiments:
- Before initiating experiments, tubulin purity needs to be assessed by SDS-page and Coomassie staining. If contaminants are present, tubulin needs to be further purified through a cycle of polymerization/depolymerization in PIPES high molarity buffer as described in Castoldi et al., 200312.
- Tubulin concentration and labelling stoichiometry need be precisely measured using a nanodrop spectrophotometer.
- The critical concentration for self-assembly needs to be measured for the specific tubulin preparation using a microtubule nucleation assay14.
- Before conducting the FRET assay, unlabeled and labelled tubulin need to be centrifuged for 5 min at 227,000 x g (TLA100, Beckman) to remove aggregates. The cleared tubulin must be kept on ice at all time and not kept more than a few hours before starting the experiments.
A) Preparing the free tubulin mix for the FRET self-assembly assay
- Prepare the free tubulin mix:
Prepare 50 μl of free tubulin mix at a final concentration of 5 μM (in presence of GTP) or 0.5 μM (in presence of GMPCPP) by mixing:
The required amounts of labelled and unlabeled tubulin stocks to obtain 10% of tubulin labelled with rhodamine dye and 10% labelled with the DyLight 650 dye.
In a 1x BRB80 buffer with glycerol 5% glycerol, 1 mM DTT and 1 mM of nucleotide (GDP, GTP or GMPCPP).
For example:
With a stock solution of 75 μM of unlabeled tubulin, 50 μM of 20% DyLight 650-labelled tubulin and 50 μM of 50% rhodamine-labelled tubulin.
For a 5 μM free tubulin mix:
- 1 μl of unlabeled tubulin
- 2.5 μl of DyLight 650-labelled tubulin
- 1 μl of rhodamine-labelled tubulin
- 9.1 μl of 5x BRB80
- 2.5 μl of glycerol
- 0.5 μl of DTT \(0.1M stock solution)
- 0.5 μl of nucleotide \(GTP at a stock solution of 0.1 M)
- QSP with MilliQ water to a final volume of 50 μl.
It is desirable to prepare the mix buffer first, then add the tubulin and prior to begin the experiment add the GTP.
Δ Critical step: Keep tubulin and tubulin mix on ice at all time. The Micro-cell and Hamilton syringe should be kept at 4°C (or on ice) to avoid warning up the tubulin mix before measurement is initiated. The fluorimeter should be turn on at least 30 min before use and the temperature controller set at 32°C. The Micro-cell adapter should be set up on the fluorimeter and pre-equilibrated at 32°C to allow the reaction mix to reach temperature rapidly.
- Mix gently by pipetting (avoid to create bubbles).
- Using the Hamilton syringe to transfer the tubulin mix in the Micro-Cell.
- Place quickly the Micro-cell on its holder (pre-equilibrated at 32°C) in the fluorimeter and start the measurement.
- The emitter fluorophore (DyLight 650) is excited at 561 nm and the acceptor fluorescence of rhodamine recorded at 702 nm with a 4 nm bandwidth at 15 s capture interval, 10 s measurement time, and for a total acquisition time of 30 min.
Data analysis:
For each time point, the background fluorescence measured at time zero is subtracted from the fluorescent signal.
The oligomerization rate is calculated by measuring the slope of the progress curve before steady-state is reached.
If steady-state is not reached within the time frame of the experiment, then the slope of the entire curve is used to calculate the rate.
B) Preparing the protofilament mix for the FRET self-assembly assay
- Prepare the protofilament mix:
Prepare 200 μl of protofilament mix at a final concentration of 0.5 μM, for each fluorescently labelled tubulin by mixing:
the unlabeled tubulin and Rhodamine or DyLight-650 tubulin to obtain a final concentration of 10% tubulin bearing a fluorophore.
In a 1x BRB80 buffer with glycerol 5% glycerol, 1 mM DTT and 1 mM of nucleotide (GDP, GTP or GMPCPP).
For example:
With a stock solution of 80 μM of unlabeled tubulin, 50 μM of 20% DyLight 650-labelled tubulin and 20 μM of 50% rhodamine-labelled tubulin.
For a 0.5 μM DyLight 650-labelled protofilament mix:
- 0.625 μl of unlabeled tubulin
- 1 μl of DyLight 650-labelled tubulin
- 40 μl of 5x BRB80
- 10 μl of glycerol
- 2 μl of DTT \(0.1M stock solution)
- 2 μl of taxol \(50 mM stock solution)
- 2 μl of nucleotide \(GTP at a stock solution of 0.1 M)
- QSP with MilliQ water to a final volume of 200 μl.
And For a 0.5 μM rhodamine-labelled protofilament mix:
- 1 μl of unlabeled tubulin
- 1 μl of rhodamine-labelled tubulin
- 40 μl of 5x BRB80
- 10 μl of glycerol
- 2 μl of DTT \(0.1M stock solution)
- 2 μl of taxol \(50 mM stock solution)
- 2 μl of nucleotide \(GTP at a stock solution of 0.1 M)
- QSP with MilliQ water to a final volume of 200 μl.
It is desirable to prepare the mix buffer, then add the tubulin and lastly the GTP and taxol.
- Incubate on ice for 30 min.
- Transfer the protofilament mix in the D-tube Dialyser Mini.
- Dialyze the protofilaments for 1 h against 100 ml of 1x BRB80 supplemented with 0.5 μM taxol.
- Carefully transfer the protofilament mix to a 1.5 ml tube with cut off pipette tip.
- Add GDP to 1 mM final to the protofilament mix.
- Mix equal volumes of Rhodamine labelled protofilaments (20 μl) and DyLight-650 protofilaments (20 μl) for a final volume of 40 μl.
- Mix gently by pipetting (avoid to create bubbles)
- Using the Hamilton syringe transfer the tubulin mix in the Micro-Cell.
- Place quickly the Micro-cell on its holder (pre-equilibrated at 32°C) in the fluorimeter and start the measurement.
- The emitter fluorophore (DyLight 650) is excited at 561 nm and the acceptor fluorescence of rhodamine recorded at 702 nm with a 4 nm bandwidth at 15 s capture interval, 10 s measurement time, and for a total acquisition time of 30 min.
Data analysis:
For each time point, the background fluorescence measured at time zero is subtracted from the fluorescent signal.
The oligomerization rate is calculated by measuring the slope of the progress curve before steady-state is reached.
If steady-state is not reached within the time frame of the experiment, then the slope of the entire curve is used to calculate the rate.