pMXs-Based Retrovirus induced reprogramming
Preparation of the Virus
Plate 8x106 Plat-E cells per 10-cm dish uniformly. Cells were cultured in 10%FBS medium for 16 hours to reach a 70-80% confluent.
Transfection was carried out with the modified calcium phosphate transfection method3 as follows: Replace the medium of the Plan-E cells in 10-cm dish with 7.5 ml fresh 10% FBS medium. For each factor, 1068μl ddH2O, 25μg plasmid, 156.25μl 2M CaCl2, 1.25ml 2XHBS(total 2.5ml) were added to a 15ml tube successively. Mix vigorously after adding the 2XHBS, and then incubate for 2 min at Room temperature. Transfer the 2.5 ml mixture into the dish that had replaced with 7.5ml fresh medium above.
11-14 hours after transfection, replace the medium of the transfected 10 cm plat-E cell dishes with 10ml fresh medium. Continue to incubate the cells.
48 hours after transfection, the Supernatant contained the virus was collected by a syringe and filter though a 0.45 μm filter as the first virus stock. A 10ml fresh Plan-E medium was added to the transfected Plat-E cells and harvest 24 hours later as the second virus stock.
Preparation of the OG2 MEFs
Thawing the frozen Passage 1 OG2 MEF into a 6 cm dish with MEF Medium, and cultured in the CO2 incubator to reach a 100% confluence. Then split the MEFs to P12 or P24 plate at different cell density.
NOTE: As the cell plated density have a significant influence to the reprogramming efficiency2. We adjusted the plated density according to the combination of reprogramming factors. In summary, a higher density was used for a lower reprogramming efficiency system and a higher density was used for a lower reprogramming system. For detail:
O/K/S/M: 1.2-1.5X104 cells per well of 12-well plate
O/K/S:1.5-2 X104 cells per well of 12-well plate
KSM/OSM/OKM: 1.5-2 X104 cells per well of 12-well plate
c-JunDN/K/S: 2 X104 cells per well of 12-well plate
Jdp2/K/S: 2 X104 cells per well of 12-well plate
O/SI/d1: 3 X104 cells per well of 12-well plate
Oct4/Id1/Jhdm1b/Lrh1/Glis1/Sall4: 3 X104 cells per well of 12-well plate
Infect the MEFs with the virus stock
- Mix the virus stock with equal volume and add one volume fresh MEF medium.
For example:
OKSM induced reprogramming: 0.5ml Oct4, 0.5ml Klf4, 0.5ml Sox2, 0.5ml Myc, and 0.5ml fresh MEF medium \(Total 2.5ml) for one well MEFs of 12-well plate.
OKS induced reprogramming: 0.5ml Oct4, 0.5ml Klf4, 0.5ml Sox2, and 0.5ml fresh MEF medium \(Total 2ml) for one well MEFs of 12-well plate.
OKS induced reprogramming: 0.25ml Oct4, 0.25ml Klf4, 0.25ml Sox2, and 0.25ml fresh MEF medium (Total 2ml) for one well MEFs of 24-well plate.
Oct4/Jhdm1b/Id1 induced reprogramming: 0.5ml Oct4, 0.5ml Jhdm1b, 0.5ml Id1, and 0.5ml fresh MEF medium (Total 2ml) for one well MEFs of 12-well plate.
Jdp2/Id1/Jhdm1b/Lrh1/Glis1/Sall4: 0.5ml JDP2, 0.5ml Jhdm1b, 0.5ml Id1, 0.5ml Lrh1, 0.5ml Id1, 0.5ml Sall4 and 0.5ml fresh MEF medium \(Total 3.5ml) for one well MEFs of 12-well plate.
Add polybrene to a final concentration of 4ug/ml.
Repeat the infection with the second virus stock 24 hours after the first infection.
The Day after the second infection noted as post-infection Day0.
Generation of the iPSCs
At post-infection Day0, replace the virus contained medium with fresh reprogramming medium such as mES , mES+Vc4 or iCD15 medium., according to the design of the experiment. (1ml per 12-plate well)
Change the medium everyday and observe the morphology change.
Count the GFP+ colonies at proper days.
Pick the GFP+ colonies and passage.
pSuper bashed shRNA induced reprogramming
All of the protocols are same with the pMXs-Based Retrovirus except that, the puromycin (2μg/ml) was added to the reprogramming medium at post-infection Day2 to root out the uninfected cells.
pW-TRE based Doxycycline(Dox) induced reprogramming.
Preparation of the Virus
Plate 6x106 HEK93T cells per 10-cm dish uniformly. Cells were cultured in 10%FBS medium for 16 hours to reach a 70-80% confluent.
Transfection was carried out with the modified calcium phosphate transfection method as follows: Replace the medium of the HEK93T cells in 10-cm dish with 7.5 ml fresh 10% FBS medium. For each factor, 1070μl ddH2O, 12.5μg pW-TRE-c-Jun/ pW-rtTA, 7.5μg psPAX2, 5μg psMD2.G, 156.25μl 2M CaCl2, and 1.25ml 2XHBS(total 2.5ml), were added to a 15ml tube successively. Mix vigorously after adding the 2XHBS, and then incubate for 2 min at Room temperature. Transfer the 2.5 ml mixture into the dish that had replaced with 7.5ml fresh medium above.
11-14 hours after transfection, replace the medium of the transfected 10 cm HEK93T cell dishes with 10ml fresh medium. Continue to incubate the cells.
48 hours after transfection, the Supernatant contained the virus was collected by a syringe and filter though a 0.45 μm filter as the first virus stock. A 10ml fresh HEK93T medium was added to the transfected HEK93T cells and harvest 24 hours later as the second virus stock.
Preparation of the MEFs
Same with relative section of “pMXs-Based Retrovirus induced reprogramming”
Infect the MEFs with virus stock
Infect the MEFs with virus carrying the Oct4, Klf4, Sox2 and c-Jun coding sequences.
To reprogram cells in a P12 well:
- mix the virus stock as following:
0.5ml Oct4 (pMXs-Based Retrovirus), 0.5ml Sox2 (pMXs-Based Retrovirus), 0.5ml Klf4 (pMXs-Based Retrovirus), 0.125ml c-Jun (pW-TRE-Based Lentivirus), 0.125ml rtTA (pW-Based Lentivirus), and 0.5ml fresh MEF medium.
Add polybrene to a final concentration of 4ug/ml.
Repeat the infection with the second virus stock 24 hours after the first infection.
The Day after the second infection noted as post-infection Day0.
Generation of the iPSCs
At post-infection Day0, replace the virus contained medium with fresh reprogramming medium such as mES, mES+Vc or iCD1 medium. DOX was added in the indicated days as design of the experiment.
Change the medium everyday and observe the morphology change.
Count the GFP+ colonies at proper days.