This protocol details the primers and conditions used for forward and reverse PCR amplification and sequencing of MERS-CoV genomes.
Method Article
MERS-CoV PCR/Sequencing Primers
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This protocol details the primers and conditions used for forward and reverse PCR amplification and sequencing of MERS-CoV genomes.
This protocol details the steps, reagents, and conditions required to sequence MERS-CoV genomes in the forward and reverse directions. The protocol begins with the RT-PCR step, assuming that MERS-CoV RNA purified using a standard procedure (i.e., TRIzol extraction) has already been performed.
Invitrogen SuperScript III kit
dNTPS (10 mM)
Random Hexamers
RNasin (if desired)
Thermo Phusion PCR enzyme
Primers (2 mM stock – see Tables 1 and 2)
1X TAE Buffer
Ethidium Bromide
70ºC water bath
55ºC water bath
Thermal cycler
Reverse Transcription:
2 µL DTT
1 µL SuperScript III reverse transcriptase
1 µL dNTPs
1 µL RNasin (if desired)
x µL H2O to 20 µL
PCR (with Phusion PCR kit):
1 µL Forward Primer
1 µL Reverse Primer
5 µL 10X HF Buffer
1 µL dNTPs
0.5 µL Phusion polymerase
x µL H2O to 50 µL
35 cycles of:
98ºC 15 sec
xºC for 30 sec*
72ºC for ~45 sec/kb
72ºC 10 min
8ºC Hold
Annealing temperature is primer-dependent, but for most SARS-CoV primers in Table 1, annealing temperatures 52-55ºC will work.
Confirmation of PCR products and sequencing:
Reverse transcription: 1-1.5 h
PCR: 2-4 h
Sequencing: facility-dependent
Primers have been designed to give clean, single-band PCR products. If multiple bands are detected, alternate annealing temperatures may be required. It may also be possible that alternate bands indicate multiple genome patterns at that locus.
Table 1 MERS-CoV Sequencing Primers
Table 2 MERS-CoV Amplicon Primer Sets
This protocol has been posted on Protocol Exchange, an open repository of community-contributed protocols sponsored by Nature Portfolio. These protocols are posted directly on the Protocol Exchange by authors and are made freely available to the scientific community for use and comment.
You are reading this latest protocol version