Co-culture of primary hepatocytes with GFP-HepaRG cells (Figure 1)
- Grow GFP-HepaRG cells in a 25 cm2 flask in culture medium until sub-confluence
a. Rinse 3 times with 5 mL of sterile PBS
b. Add 2 mL of 0.25% trypsin-EDTA pre-warmed at 37 °C and return to the incubator for 1 to 2 minutes
c. When cells begin to detach knock the flask sharply once so as to detach all the cells and rapidly add 8 mL of culture medium
d. Transfer into a 50 mL tube and centrifuge at 500 x g 3 min at RT
e. Remove the supernatant and re-suspend the cells in 3 mL of culture medium
f. Count the number of viable cells (Trypan Blue dye exclusion) using a haemocytometer
g. Adjust the concentration of the cell suspension to 0.35 million of viable cells per mL
- Preparation of the primary hepatocytes (three options)
➢ Option 1 - Freshly isolated hepatocytes: these are obtained from a liver piece by a modified two-step collagenase perfusion protocol6,7
a. Determine the number of cells and their viability, which should be > 80% in order to proceed to the next step, using a haemocytometer
b. Adjust the volume of the cell preparation to 0.8 million of viable cells per mL
➢ Option 2 - Cryopreserved simian primary hepatocytes: these are isolated from the livers of Macaca fascicularis and are then stored frozen in aliquots of 50 millions of cells.
a. Use a 15 mL tube containing 10 mL of culture medium at 4°C
b. Remove a cryovial of primary hepatocytes from the liquid nitrogen tank and immediately place it in a water bath at 37°C, and keep it there until the cells are nearly thawed (ice crystals should still be visible)
c. Remove the tube immediately from the water bath, wipe with a tissue soaked in 70% ethanol and transfer to a biosafety hood
d. Carefully decant the hepatocytes into the 10 mL culture medium at 4°C. Rinse the empty cryovial with the medium
e. Mix gently by inverting the tube 2-3 times and proceed immediately to the next step
f. Centrifuge at 200 x g for 3 min at room temperature
g. Carefully remove the supernatant and re-suspend the cells in 10 mL of 40 % iso-osmotic Percoll and then centrifuge at 900 x g for 3 min at room temperature
h. Determine the number of cells and their viability, which should be > 90% in order to proceed to the next step, using a haemocytometer
i. Adjust the volume of the cell suspension to 0.8 million of viable cells per mL
➢ Option 3 - Purchased cryopreserved hepatocytes:
a. Thaw the cells according to the manufacturer’s recommendations
b. Adjust the volume of the cell suspension to 0.8 million of viable cells/mL
- Deposit 20 µL of HepaRG cells (7,000 cells) in the centre of each well of a collagen I-coated 48 wells plate format (P48)
- Add 250 µL of hepatocytes (200,000 cells) to each of the well with HepaRG cells
- Immediately transfer the plate into the incubator and do not disturb until the cells are attached
- Replace the culture medium the next day prior to infection. Microscopic examination under fluorescence microscopy should permit observation of a small number of fluorescent GFP-HepaRG cells (present at a 1:30 ratio) within the hepatocyte monolayer.
Isolation of sporozoites from infected mosquitoes
Plasmodium cynomolgi (M strain) sporozoites can be obtained from Anopheles stephensi salivary glands infected 14–35 days earlier by membrane-feeding on the blood of a P. cynomolgi-infected Macaca mulatta8. A variety of suitable Anopheles and P. cynomolgi lines are available at Malaria Research and Reference Reagent Resource Center (MR4) (
- Prepare 3 Petri dishes with 8 mL of L15 medium
- Kill mosquitoes in 70% ethanol
- Rapidly wash them in the first Petri dish
- Repeat the washing by dipping in the second and then the third Petri dishes
- Align the mosquitoes on a sterile glass slide under a stereomicroscope
- Under a stereomicroscope and using needles, separate the head of the mosquitoes from the thorax that is simultaneously carefully pressed to extrude the salivary glands
- Remove the salivary glands with the L15 medium to the homogenizer placed on ice
- Homogenize the salivary glands
- Filter the suspension through a 40 µM cell strainer in a 50 mL tube placed on ice
- Centrifuge to recover the sporozoites at 16,000 x g 3 minutes at 4 °C
- Discard the supernatant and re-suspend the sporozoites in culture medium
- Count the number of sporozoites in a haemocytometer and adjust the concentration to 800 000 sporozoites per mL
- Keep on ice until use
Infection of the co-culture cells by P. cynomolgi (Figure 2)
Rinse the co-cultured cells with 300 µL of culture medium per well
Remove the wash culture medium and replace with 125 µL of culture medium per well
Add 125 µL of sporozoites per well (100,000 sporozoites)
Centrifuge the plate at 900 x g 10 min at 4 °C without brake
Carefully remove the plate from the centrifuge and return it to the incubator for 3-4 hours
Optional: go to “Matrigel cover for long-term cultures”
Wash the infected cells three times with 300 µL of culture medium per well
Remove the wash culture medium before adding 300 µL of fresh culture medium per well and replace the plate in the incubator
Change the medium every 48 hours
Matrigel cover for long term studies (optional part)
- Thaw Matrigel on ice
- For each well:
a. Carefully remove the medium after the 3-4 hours of incubation
b. Rinse the infected cells three times with 300 µL of culture medium per well
c. Remove the wash culture medium
d. Pipette 100 µL of Matrigel using a cold tip and gently overlay the cells in each well
- When Matrigel covers all the wells, return the plate to the incubator for 30 minutes to allow the Matrigel to gel.
- Add 300 µL of culture medium to each well and replace the plate in the incubator
- Every 48 hours, carefully aspirate the medium, taking care to not disturb the Matrigel, and replace it with 300 µL of fresh culture medium
Treatment with Atovaquone to eliminate schizonts
- At day 5 post-infection, fix 3 wells for parasite immunostaining (see “Fixation and parasite immunostaining”) so as to evaluate the proportion of schizonts versus hypnozoites
- Prepare sufficient atovaquone solution for 3 days of treatment (300 µL per well per day)
a. Dilute the atovaquone in culture medium to a final concentration of 551 nM (~202.13 ng per mL)
b. Prepare three 400 µl aliquots (one per day) and store at 4 °C
- At days 5, 6 and 7, treat each well with atovaquone
a. Carefully remove the culture medium
b. Add 300 µL of the atovaquone in culture medium to each well
- At day 8 fix 3 treated and three untreated wells for parasite immunostaining (see “Fixation and parasite immunostaining”) in order to confirm that the schizonts have been eliminated and that hypnozoites are present in sufficient numbers
- If this is the case, then the infected co-culture is suitable for further experimentation
- Continue to change the culture medium every 48 hours until the end of the experiment
Fixation and immunostaining of parasites
- Remove the medium and the Matrigel by aspiration
- Add 200 µL of 4% PFA to each well to fix the cells by incubation at RT for 15 minutes
- Rinse 3 times with 300 µL of PBS
- Add 200 µL of 0.1% Triton X100 and incubate at RT for 10 minutes
- Rinse 3 times with 300 µL of PBS
- To each well add 150 µL of mouse polyclonal serum raised against PfHSP70 (1/2,000 dilution), or alternatively use other suitable antibodies at the appropriate dilution, or stain with Giemsa 9
- Incubate for 45 minutes at 37°C
- Rinse 3 times with 300 µL of PBS
- To each well add 150 µL of Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) diluted 1/600
- Incubate for 45 minutes at 37°C
- Rinse 3 times with 300 µL of PBS
- Enumerate the parasites under a fluorescence microscope at a 200X magnification
Critical steps
• The homogeneity of cell plating is of the most importance.
• Mosquito dissection should be performed as cleanly as possible. The use of highly infected mosquitoes (>20 000 sporozoites per mosquito) is advisable in order to minimize bacterial and fungal contamination. Prior training on uninfected mosquitoes is highly recommended.
• Efficient removal of mosquito debris during the washing steps prior to adding Matrigel. This can be achieved most optimally by using a Percoll10 or an Accudenz11 cushion to purify the sporozoites.
• Keep Matrigel on ice to avoid untimely polymerization.
• Infected co-cultured cells: avoid shaking that might perturb the cells during handling, and changes to the temperature the cultures during medium addition.
• Good fixation relies on a total removal of Matrigel.