1 | Preparation of mixed glial cell culture TIMING ~ 7-10 days
(i) Dissect the brains: decapitate P0-P2 neonatal rat pups using sterile large scissors and gently place the head into a petri dish containing 70% Ethanol.
(ii) Transfer the head to a petri dish containing cold DMEM.
(iii) Use Mouse-teeth forceps to hold the nose portion of the head, and follow the midline to cut the skin and the skull from the nose to the foramen magnum using curved forceps.
CAUTION Make precision movements with the curved forceps as the skull is very soft, in order to avoid the damage of the brain.
(iv) Expose the whole brain, and keeping intact the olfactory bulbs, remove the nervous tissue from the skull base.
(v) Place the head in a new petri dish containing cold DMEM.
(vi) Under a dissecting magnifying glass and using thin Dumont forceps, remove the meningeal layer from the brain following the instructions showed in Supplementary video 1 online. Briefly, remove the meningeal layer from the inner midbrain, cut the meninges between the hemispheres and eliminate them. Then, clamp the olfactory bulbs and remove the meningeal layer from both hemispheres. Carefully open the hemispheres, remove the choroideal plexus covering of the inside, and remove brainstem and cerebellum.
CRITICAL STEP Avoid spending more than 5 minutes in the dissection of each forebrain to minimize the ischemic damage to the brain tissue.
(vii) Place all the forebrains in new petri dishes containing cold DMEM.
(viii) Using the Dumont forceps, transfer the forebrains to a 50ml Falcon tube. Transfer also ~ 0.5 ml of DMEM media to the tube.
(ix) Gently triturate and dissociate the nervous tissue with a serum-coated Pasteur Pipette, adding small amounts of DMEM as long as the content is being aspirated and discarded, until a homogenate can be found in the media.
CAUTION Cells can be attached to the Pasteur pipette if it´s not a serum-coated one.
(x) Centrifuge the tubes for 10 min to 168g (~1000 r.p.m.).
(xi) Discard the supernatant by aspiration, and suspend the pellet in 20 ml of warm DMEM 10:10:1 per forebrain.
CAUTION The pellet is very loose and it can be aspired, so take care when removing the supernatant.
(xii) Seed Poly-D-Lysine covered 75 cm2 flasks with 10 ml of cell suspension/each.
CAUTION Use Poly-D-lysine covered flasks to allow an easy attachment of the cells to the surface.
(xiii) Incubate at 37ºC in water saturated 5% CO2:95% air atmosphere for 7 to 10 days, without changing the culture medium along this time. See Supplementary video 2 online to find out the evolution of the culture in this time.
2 | Isolation of microglial cells TIMING ~ 30 min to 24h
(i) After the incubation time, properly close the flasks and place them in an orbital shaker.
(ii) Shake at 230 r.p.m during 3 hours.
(iii) Centrifuge the cell suspension for 10 min to 168g. If you want to proceed with the isolation of OPCs/astrocytes (steps 3 and 4), immediately add warm DMEM 10:10:1 (10ml/each) to the flasks and place them in the orbital shaker.
(iv) Discard the supernatant by aspiration, and suspend the pellet in 1ml of warm DMEM 10:10:1.
CAUTION The pellet is very loose and it can be aspired, so take care when removing the supernatant.
(v) Determine the number of viable cells by gently mixing 10 μl of homogenate with 80 μl of PBS and 10 μl of Trypan Blue. Use a Neubauer chamber to count the number of viable (not stained) microglial cells.
CAUTION To calculate the number of viable cells, divide the whole number of cells counted by 4 (as 4 is the number of quadrants in the Neubauer chamber), and multiplicate by 105 (the dimension of the Neubauer chamber is 104 and we have done an additional x10 dilution).
(vi) Dilute the cell suspension to the desired cell concentration with warm DMEM 10:10:1. Incubate for 24h in a tissue culture incubator with 5% CO2 at 37ºC.
(vii) At this point, microglial cells can be used to perform in vitro experiments.
CAUTION Use Poly-D-lysine covered plates to avoid clustering of the cells.
3 | Isolation of Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells (OPCs) TIMING ~ 1h30min to 3 days
(i) Shake at 260 r.p.m overnight.
CAUTION A completely closed environment with presumably a low O2 level allows OPCs to detach easily from the astrocyte layer, so be sure that the flasks are completely closed before shaking.
(ii) Filter cell suspension through a sterile 30 μm nylon mesh. If you want to proceed with the isolation of astrocytes (step 4), immediately add warm DMEM 10:10:1 to the flasks (5-10 ml/each) and keep them in the incubator.
CRITICAL STEP Avoid pipette passage of the OPCs as they can easily attach even to serum-coated pipettes. Filtration can be done directly from the flasks to the petri dishes.
(iii) Transfer filtered cell suspension to untreated Petri dishes and incubate for 1h -1h30 min, CRITICAL STEP This incubation is done to purificate OPCs, as it´s based on the low attachment of the O2A cells to the plastic surface, whereas the remaining microglial or astroglial cells that can be present in the suspension are attached to the dishes.
(iv) Centrifuge the cell suspension for 10 min to 168g.
CRITICAL STEP Again, avoid pipette passage of the OPCs. Cells can be transferred directly from the petri dishes to the falcon tubes.
(v) Discard the supernatant by aspiration, and suspend the pellet in 1ml of warm DMEM 10:10:1.
CAUTION The pellet is very loose and it can be aspired, so take care when removing the supernatant.
(vi) To determine the number of viable cells, repeat step 2 v).
(vii) Dilute the cell suspension to maximum 100.000 viable cells/ml with warm DMEM 10:10:1.
CRITICAL STEP As OPCs continue proliferating after cultured, a high initial density can result in an excessive final number of cells that can be detrimental for the culture.
(viii) Plate and incubate for 3h in a tissue culture incubator with 5% CO2 at 37ºC.
CAUTION Use Poly-D-lysine covered plates to allow the OPCs to attach and proliferate.
(ix) Change the culture media to a Serum-free Defined Media containing growth factors.
(x) Incubate for 2-3 days in order to allow the progenitor cells to proliferate.
(xi) At this point, OPCs can be used to perform in vitro experiments.
CAUTION Change the OPCs medium every 48h to renew the growth factors and maintain them in a progenitor (bipolar) state.
4 | Isolation of astroglial cells TIMING ~ 45 min to 24h
(i) Replace the culture media of the flasks with 5 ml of warm PBS/each. Wash twice while gently shaking the flasks in the laminar flow hood.
CAUTION Wash the monolayer properly to remove all the traces of serum, so the enzyme can be effective.
(ii) Remove the PBS and add 5ml of Trypsin (0.05%) - EDTA(0.02%). Place the flasks in the incubator for 5-10 minutes and gently shake them to raise the cells from the bottom.
CRITICAL STEP Trypsinization needs to be effective to lift up the astrocyte monolayer. The time required for removal of cells depends on their density, serum concentration and temperature.
(iii) Add 5ml of DMEM 5:5:1/each to inactivate the enzyme, gently mix and collect all supernatants.
(iv) Pellet by centrifugation for 10 min to 168g.
(v) Discard the supernatant by aspiration, and suspend the pellet in 1ml of warm DMEM 5:5:1.
CAUTION The pellet is very loose and it can be aspired, so take care when removing the supernatant.
(vi) To determine the number of viable cells, repeat step 2 v).
(vii) Dilute the cell suspension to the desired number of cells with warm DMEM 5:5:1.
(viii) Plate and incubate for 24h in a tissue culture incubator with 5% CO2 at 37ºC.
CAUTION Use Poly-D-lysine covered plates to avoid clustering of the cells.
(ix) At this point, astrocytes can be used to perform in vitro experiments.